v. pain beneath power

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"You didn't loose the all valley"

Sams eyes snapped away from Tory to Davina, the three stood in an apartment car park, right outside where eagle fang and miyagi do threw a party:

Sam shook her head "what do you mean"

"Silver paid the ref" Davina admitted quietly.

Sam stormed towards Davina pushing her back "you knew?

"I've been meaning to tell you-"

"I knew we couldn't trust you" Sam snapped. A crowd started to form around them. "The second Hawk and Demetri said you might be stopping by. You can't be trusted"

Miguel stood in front of Sam blocking her for hitting Davina. Hawk and Robby stood in front of Davina - after sharing a weird look.

"Someone explain what's happening" Miguel shouted.

"Silver payed the ref for her to win" she pointed at Davina "she knew all this time. I told you we couldn't trust her"

"Sam. Calm down, we can sort this out-"

"Why did she never show up at Miyagi-do?" Sam asked Hawk "I'll calm down when the traitor leaves. She was never on our side, Silver and the rest of them probably know that you asked her to work with us behind their back"

"You did what" Tory butted in, her eyes set on Davina's "why would she want to help you?" The blonde turned to the LaRusso girl "you don't care about anyone but yourself" Tory mocked "you are the rest of them have made everything so much harder than it needed to be"

"Leave." Robby spoke "both of you"

Davina rolled her eyes "this never involved you." Her eyes snapped towards the others "it never involved any of you." Her eyes landed on Sam "I should've left you to a wallow in your pity, either way, that trophy still belongs to me"

Robby walked into Cobra Kai the following day. Davina and Tory shared a brief look of confusion before focusing back on the Keene boy.

"Mr. Keene. To what do we owe the pleasure?"

"I came here to apologise" Robby told him quietly, he turned to face the students "I let you down, turned my back on you. I didn't understand at the time but I realise I was wrong. I shouldn't have just left" His eyes connected with Davina's dark brown ones "I should have taken you all with me. Everything you're taught here is bullshit, there is pain in this dojo and it's built upon fear. Because this man is not your Sensei, he is your enemy"

"But it's not too late. You're not past the point of no return" his eyes didn't leave Davina's "and I promise, there's still another way"

Sensei Silver started to slowly clap. "Bold move, Mr Keene. Bold move. We've heard you out. Now it's my turn to speak"

Sensei Silver started to call out positions, every student quickly got into the stances.

He turned back to Robby "there's a difference between being heard, and being listened to. They heard you, but they listen to me."

Sensei Silver faced his students "if Mr. Keene or any of his friends, step food in this dojo again. What
Will you show them?"

"No mercy sir."

Davina's mouth didn't move once. Robby gave her the tiniest smile, she felt a pang in her chest, but she simply ignored it and him.

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