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The sound of an almost dead pen scratching against the thin piece of paper brought me calmness, tranquility, and familiarity. What else could be so original, so personal, and so transformative than writing?

At the top of the page wrote, "Moon Chae-won/MOON", and below it held the scribbles of my creativity. I was turning this one in to a music company here in Los Angeles, hoping that someone from the current lot of artists would give it a chance. 

My life was more or less set. I was comfortable in my small L.A. apartment that I could barely afford, with my small group of friends who understood me and I adored, and my small kitten, Mandu. I was content. 

My life revolved around music. It was an escape. An escape from the clutches of an anxiety-filled world, a world that is unforgiving, cruel, and full of hatred, but that is wrapped up in a gift box with a beautiful golden ribbon, displaying kindness and acceptance, but shielding its true colors.

It had been 10 years since my family and I moved from South Korea to the States. I had practically grown up here, only visiting Korea during the summer breaks. Now, 22 years old, I live in my apartment, alone, producing music that heals me, and that one day I hope heals others.

Sitting on my kitchen counter, I sipped my mug of coffee, transcribing the scribbles that were unreadable to anyone else but me onto my laptop. Once I finished, I uploaded it and emailed it to the record company who I hoped would give me the light of day. 

The world of music is cut throat, something I had learned over the years, but I had always made it a point to prioritize my happiness over the money that I would lose out on. I published most of my work on SoundCloud, which got me around half a million subscribers. I was content.

My phone went off, and I checked to find my best friend, Olivia's ID. 


"Girl, please don't tell me you're still  writing. It's been three days"

"I'm done, just submitted it too, now I'll give you the attention you want.". I knew that I kept away from my friends when I got really in to writing. Writing would take me to a completely different place. I didn't feel like Chae-won, nor like anyone, I felt like a power house, one that was full of stories that I could tell at my own pace in whichever way I wanted to; without being judged. 

"Remember BTS?"

"Yes, the one band that you've recommended that makes decent music?" I replied.

"Yes yes, that one. They're going on tour, and I have no one to go with. Go with me please?", Olivia pleaded.

"Liv, their music isn't really my thing, I mean they make some decent music, but I just can't justify paying that much. I barely know all of their names." I did like K-pop, but since moving to the States, I've been more open to all sorts of music, in all sorts of genres, and all sorts of languages. I drifted away from the Korean music scene, but, because BTS got so popular, I did listen out of curiosity to a few of their tracks. 

"Oh please, I can guarantee if you go, you'll end up getting a lot of inspiration."

Inspiration. The one word I hold so dear. She ended up convincing me. 

"Alright, fine. I'll do it. When is it?"

"Tickets open for sale tonight, which means, I'm coming over. Bye now." She abruptly ended the call.

I sighed, looking over at Mandu, who had now gone fast asleep, her little paws covering her eyes, shielding her from the bright kitchen light.


I heard a loud knock on my door, followed by the noise of keys, and then finally, emerged, Olivia. She was your textbook American girl, beautiful blue eyes, tall, and blonde hair that was dyed darker brown as you got to the ends. She was also incredibly understanding, and although she had lost both of her parents within six months, she was strong. I'd like to think much of my strength comes from associating with her.

"I brought donuts!", she exclaimed as she brought the box and opened it on the kitchen counter. "Alright, tickets! They go on sale in exactly fifteen minutes, which means, we need to get organized.". Olivia took out her wallet, and placed her debit and credit card down in a pile. She then took her laptop, her iPad, and her phone out from her bag and placed them on the counter.

"Come on we only have twelve more minutes, where are your things? I need three devices at the minimum and two cards. Quick, theres no time to waste." She said, clapping her hands. 

I was.....intrigued, to say the least. Is this not obsessive? I just assumed that we would get tickets anyways, without all this hassle. Nevertheless, I listened, and organized all my things next to hers. We waited for the countdown to hit zero.




"CHAE GO!" Olivia screamed.

"Oh. My. God. We got them!", she squealed as she practically threw herself on me.

"You're going to leave the stadium with not only inspiration, but as a fan." She said eyeing me.


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