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Namjoon's POV

My fingers slid across the keyboard as I typed "MOON" into the browser. To my surprise, she actually showed up in google images. It was a picture of her and a couple of her friends. It was posted to her Instagram account.

I examined her. She had long hair, which was dyed at the ends. She had big almost hazel eyes, and a button nose that fit just right. She was beautiful.

I went back to the general search and saw her SoundCloud account. It was a picture of her gazing at her keyboard. Her side profile was just about perfect.

I read the description. "A Moon. Searching for Stars. To bring light to the Universe" 

What a beautiful concept, I thought. She had about twenty songs, split into two albums. I clicked on the shuffle playlist button, and a song started playing.

Just as the chorus was to begin, Hoseok walked in. 

"Joon, the boys are calling you to Jungkook's room bec-"

He stopped as he picked up on the music that was playing. He walked over and sat down on my bed as he listened. 

"Wah Joon...she's amazing. Who produced this?" He asked, as he peered over at my computer trying to read the screen. 

"She did." I said as I paused the playlist. "She produced it, arranged it, wrote it, and sang it." I said as I looked over to a surprised Hoseok.

"Wow. She's talented. Is she famous? I don't think I've ever heard her. Who even is she?"

"No, Yoongi hyung found her on SoundCloud. He showed her to me. He mentioned he wanted to work with her, but I said it was too risky. Her name is MOON" I said, feeling slightly guilty for waving off Yoongi Hyung's request.

"She's good. I agree with Hyung. But it's your call, I trust your instincts, leader-nim" Hoseoke jumped up and patted my head. 

With that, he got up and headed for the door. "I came here to tell you to come over to Jungkook's room, we're having a group meeting before we leave for the airport." he said as he closed the door behind him.

I turned my laptop off and got up. Maybe I should just reach out to her? I mean Yoongi Hyung would never talk about someone let alone say he wanted to work with them unless he really thought they were incredible. Plus, I could help out a fellow artist, who reminds me of where I used to be not too long ago. 


The boys and I boarded the plane back to Seoul. We just wrapped up our tour, and were now on a much needed two week vacation. I sat by Yoongi Hyung, slightly nervous about bringing up the topic we had previously discussed. I decided to just go for it.

"Hyung, I think we should try your suggestion and reach out to her. I listened to a couple more tracks of hers with Hobi. He liked her too." I looked down at my hands, trying to avoid eye contact. I didn't want to be present for Yoongi hyung's 'I told you so' moment.

"Good. I'll ask PD-nim and we can reach out to her. Now I'm going to sleep. Good night Namjoon-ah" He said as he turned over and shoved his face in the pillow.

I slipped my headphones in, subconsciously finding myself hovering over her SoundCloud account. I clicked shuffle on her playlist and closed my eyes, drifting off into the dreamland that was her music.


A wave of relief passed all of us when we finally got back to our dorm. Yoongi hyung was already passed out on the couch, Jin hyung already had himself stuffed in a book on the floor, Jungkook and Taehyung had their Nintendo DS's out, and Jimin and Hoseok had branched off into their respective rooms. 

Although I was also tired, I was also eager to hear PD-nim's opinion of the matter of reaching out to MOON. I thought I would take Yoongi hyung with me to the meeting, because if Yoongi hyung says he likes anybody, PD-nim will be more inclined to accept.

I walked over to Yoongi hyung, and nudged him lightly. He let out a small noise that directed me to start talking.

"Uh.. hyung, can you and I go and talk to PD-nim now? He said he was available now to discuss it." I said, placing emphasis on the it. Yoongi hyung's eyes shot open. He got up. 

"We can go." he said as he walked towards the doors.

That was quite a surprising reaction from Yoongi hyung. While he has his interests, he usually is not so eager on things that he knows can be done well later. 

I followed him out the door.


"Ah yes, please both of you come in. You guys aren't tired? What was so urgent you needed to see me so soon?" PD-nim said as he eyed both of us.

"PD-nim, thank you for your concern but we are both fine. Well rested, actually. The plane ride was comfortable." I said, as Yoongi hyung nodded in agreement.

PD-nim sat there looking at us in anticipation. 

"So, actually, I wanted to discuss with you about a possible collaboration. Not with an artist or anything, but Yoongi hyung came across a really good artist on SoundCloud, she makes some really incredible music, and we wanted to actually reach out to her, to see if we could work together for some tracks on our next album." 

PD-nim looked at us in shock. "You want to work with a SoundCloud singer? Is that not risky? You boys are the biggest musical act in the world." He said, now looking at Yoongi hyung for an answer.

"No, it's true. She's incredible. I usually reserve that for people I really think are amazing. Plus, she would just be working with us, it's not as if we are having her feature directly on the tracks. I would like to collaborate with her" Yoongi hyung added.

PD-nim's eyebrows furrowed as he was lost in his thoughts for a moment.

"Okay" he said, abruptly getting up. "Let's do it then. I trust your instincts."

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