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I listened for a while before Yoongi abruptly stopped the audio.

"What do you think?" he asked, looking at me expectantly. 

I wasn't sure what to say. On one hand, it was one of the catchiest chord progressions I have ever heard. On the other hand, my inner thoughts were telling me that it was missing something, but I didn't want to say anything or give any suggestions right off the bat. Yoongi was one of my inspirations when it came to music now, and I wanted to respect that. 

"It was great, Yoongi-ssi." I said pointedly. Almost as if he could see right through me he spoke up.

"I know you want to say something more. Don't worry, we are a team now, you can tell me what you really think." he turned on his chair to look at me again.

I can't explain it, but I felt a warm, fuzzy feeling inside me when he mentioned that we were a team now. It really made me feel welcome. Suddenly, I found myself daydreaming about how everything had changed so quickly. Just some time ago I barely knew their names, was dragged to one of their concerts because my friend was a fan,  and all of a sudden I am now their neighbor and produce music for them. I was interrupted by Yoongi waving his hand to get my attention. My face flushed red.

"S-Sorry." I quickly apologized.

"It's okay, now please tell me your thoughts." he chuckled.

I looked to my right to see Namjoon on the couch staring back at me. He nodded as if encouraging me to speak.

"Well. I really do think it's catchy. But I couldn't help but think that maybe whistling would add an interesting element to the song. Like in the beginning especially, it would sort of create the framework for the melody of the song." I stood there, intimidated. I felt they would probably hate my idea. 

Their silence was making me even more nervous. So, I continued, hoping to fix my words again. "Ah- I know it's sort of a weird idea, I just have been thinking about using whistling as a melody in a song recently, so I thought I'd add it. But it's okay, we do-" I was cut off by Namjoon.

"I think that would be really cool. What kind of melody do you think?" Namjoon looked at me with a smile on his face. Yoongi also nodded, adjusting some of the track.

"Uh- actually, I can't whistle," I confessed. My face flushed red once again. I have got to get it together. This is not good. I can't be this shy around them if I am going to be working with them for six months. 

Namjoon and Yoongi both chuckled. "Ah- that's okay, Namjoon can, you just give him the melody and we can record a sample now just to fill in for now." Yoongi began to set up the mic and headset, handing it to Namjoon.

Namjoon turned to me, waiting for me to show him the melody. 

I began to hum a melody that I had been circling in my head for the last week, crafting it carefully by the chords Yoongi had created previously. After I had finished it the first time around, I realized that I had a few changes.

"Ah- sorry, can I show you one more variation, that one was not that good," I asked. Namjoon nodded, listening intently again.

I began to hum again, this time changing the parts I wanted to change. This time around sounded better. I nodded towards Namjoon, indicating that this was the one I wanted. 

Namjoon whistled my melody while Yoongi recorded and matched up that audio clip with his guitar chords. 

Yoongi pressed play on the clip we had recorded. Namjoon and I sat on the sofa eager to hear it.

"Ah- Moon-ssi, this was great! I really like it." Yoongi said re-looping the clip. Namjoon nodded in agreement. 

"Thank you, you guys are being so nice to me." I said.

Namjoon chuckled. "What's there not to like? Of course we are going to be nice to our Moon-ssi" he winked in my direction and smiled. My heart skipped a beat. 

Yoongi interrupted the moment by getting up from his desk and putting on his shoes. "Alright, well that was a good session, we can come back tomorrow to start working on the chorus parts, and also think about the theme." he looked between Namjoon and I, letting out a small smirk at the sight of our red-tinged cheeks. 

Namjoon cleared his throat and looked at Yoongi. He laughed lightly, seeing that Yoongi had caught him blushing. "Ah- hyung, see you back at the house then?" 

Yoongi nodded, leaving the studio.

Namjoon looked back at me, while I tried to still recover from Namjoon's more than obvious flirting. "Shall we?" he gestured towards the door. I followed as he walked out, and began walking towards the back exit. 

We both got into one of the company cars and headed toward the apartments. 

Halfway through the ride, I looked to my left to see Namjoon fast asleep. His head was resting on the window, using his left arm as support. His eyes were delicately closed, and his lips were slightly parted as his soft breathing made his chest fall and rise slowly. The subdued sunlight was perfectly placed on his honey-dew skin. Small strands of his hair hung on his forehead, and they looked as if they were perfectly placed. He was ethereal, and at the same time so fragile, in a way that made me want to protect him. And although I couldn't physically protect him, I wanted to be there for him when he went through hard times. I can only imagine that as a leader he must be going through so much, but bottling it all up in an attempt to look strong. 

I looked away, out my window, admiring the tall buildings that were passing by.

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