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"Hello! I am Kim Seokjin, the eldest and a singer, and this is Park Jimin, he's also a vocalist." He said as he stretched his arms out, holding a plate of brownies. 

"We made this for you, as a thank you for coming all the way from LA. We are excited to work with you" Jimin said, his cheeks tinged with a shade of pink. 

"Thank you so much, Seokjin-ssi and Jimin-ssi," I said as I bowed. I reached out and took the plate of brownies from Seokjin's hands. 

There was a moment of awkward silence. 

"Please, come in, my suitcases are still out, I have yet to unpack them," I said, slightly flustered at my spontaneous guests. I placed the brownies on the kitchen counter.

The boys reluctantly stepped inside the apartment looking around.

"I hope this is okay for you, actually, Jin hyung here picked the colors himself," Jimin said, smiling at his elder brother.

I looked towards Seokjin. "Wow. The colors are beautiful, thank you so much for doing this for me." I said slightly awkwardly. Seokjin nodded and wore a small smile. 

"Well, thank you for inviting us in, I'm sure we will see each other again, but we have a schedule now." Jimin said as he started to walk towards the door. 

"Oh yes, thank you for coming."

The boys walked outside the apartment, and sent me a quick wave before leaving.

Boy was that one of the most awkward conversations I've had. They seem like very genuine people, and from all of the videos that Olivia showed me, they seem like they stay pretty true to themselves, at least from what I've seen so far.

I took a bite out of one of the brownies. They were incredibly good. Some of the most delicious brownies I've ever eaten. I made a mental note to make sure to tell Seokjin this.

My phone buzzed on the kitchen counter, and I looked to see "Hyejin-Unni" flash across the screen. 


"Hello Moon, I hope you are adjusting well, remember if you need anything please tell me. Also, tonight, PD-nim set up a dinner at the boy's apartment, and he wanted me to make sure you came. It's a good way to break the ice."

"Sure, what time will it be at? And is it casual wear?" I asked.

"You can just head over there around 7, and I would dress up a little." She chuckled.

"Thank you Unni, I will be sure to make it." I said, as I finished the brownie that I was eating.


I had no idea what to wear. I wanted to wear something nice, but not too nice, because I didn't want them to think I was trying too hard. I also didn't want to look unkempt. I wanted to call Olivia, but I knew she would be at work. 

After about five minutes of staring, I finally settled on a marble patterned blouse, with black jeans, and my black converse high tops. I decided to leave my hair down and add some gold hoop earrings. I touched up my eyeliner and mascara, and put on some lip balm. And, I made the last decision to swap my nose stud into a gold nose ring to match my earrings. I wasn't sure if I was doing too much, but then again, first impressions are important.

I took one last look at myself in the mirror, and satisfied, I grabbed the tray that held a cake I made. I am really passionate about baking, so I decided to bake a cake for the boys as a thank you for the brownies. I did some research and decided on making their BT21 characters out of fondant and added those on the cake. 

I turned the lights off and headed out of my dorm.


I walked down the hallway and stopped in front of their door. I could hear an argument going on, and nothing short of chaos. I took a deep breath and knocked.

Suddenly, the arguing stopped, and it was pin drop silent. The rattling of the lock was heard, before Seokjin opened the door and greeted me with a smile.

"Ah! Moon-ssi, please come in" He moved over to allow me to enter. 

Their dorm was a similar lay out to mine, although evidently bigger. It was modern and chic, with colors like white and grey, and a pop of purple here and there. It was beautiful and very homey. 

I stepped inside and was greeted with six people staring back at me. I decided to introduce myself first.

"Hello, I'm Moon Chae-won or Moon, some of you have met me, but for those who haven't it is nice to meet you, and please take care of me! I look forward to working with you all." I was again met with some blank stares. This is extremely awkward.

"Okay! Nice to meet you again Moon-ssi, boys we can quickly introduce ourselves" Namjoon said as he gestured towards a boy with brown hair all the way down the line.

"Jeon Jungkook, nice to meet you" the boy said, almost inaudibly. You could tell he was extremely shy.

"Jung Hoseok, I loved your music!" he beamed excitedly. I immediately recognized the name. He was the one Olivia was the most crazy about. Her bias.

"Kim Taehyung. How old are you?" he asked, in his low, sultry voice.

"Yah! Taehyung-ah you can't ask her that!" Seokjin said, glaring at the younger boy.

 I chuckled. "No, it's okay! I was born in 1996. Hyejin Unni mentioned that I was older than only Jungkook-ssi" I said shyly looking at him.

Jungkook looked up at me, almost terrified, and quickly looked back at his hyungs.

Namjoon could sense the awkwardness, so he immediately tried to change the topic. 

"I see you brought us a cake. Thank you so much, you didn't have to do that." He smiled. 

God. Dimples. He has dimples.

I smiled. "No, You baked me brownies, so this was the least I could do." I said slightly blushing.

"He didn't do anything, trust me. If we let him, he'd burn down the entire building" Yoongi said, smirking.

"Hyung, that is not true" Namjoon said, in the most unconvincing way possible. I don't even think he believed himself. Everyone chuckled, realizing that with that statement Namjoon gave up. 


We all were sitting around the big dining table, our plates full of food. The truth was, I was starving. I hadn't eaten since that one brownie I had and that was hours ago, but I didn't want to seem greedy, so I stayed quiet. 

Taehyung and Jungkook started eating. And everyone followed. 

It was mostly silent, except for some small talk here and there, about how I was born in Korea but moved to the States.

"Wait, you were born in Busan? So was Jungkookie and I!" Jimin exclaimed.

"Oh wow! I miss Busan a lot, I want to go visit soon" I smiled. Jimin nodded but just went back to eating.

I wondered if it would ever get less awkward.

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