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4 years ago. 

Los Angeles, California.

Chaewon sat on one of the couches in her sisters studio, curiously eyeing all of the paintings that left almost no empty space on the walls.

"Chae, do you have any ideas for me? I'm blanking right now." Chaeyeon asked.

Chaewon looked out the window to be met with the sun setting.

"Paint a sunset?" Chaewon suggested, tapping one of the pencils on the table. Chaeyeon nodded, reaching for a couple of paintbrushes and her box of paints.

Chaewon watched in awe as her sister worked her magic. Her paint brush glided effortlessly across the canvas, smoothly coating it with layers of vibrant colors. This was the first time Chaewon had witnessed her sister create art spontaneously.

"How do you do that?" She asked.

"Do what?" Chaeyeon asked, picking up a new brush and coating it in a lavender purple.

"That. Art." Chaewon asked.

"You don't do it, you just let it happen. Art is just emotions on display."

Those words had been forever engrained in Chaewon's mind. But it wasn't until her sisters death, that she began writing and creating her own art, using music as a medium of coping.

Chaewon sat with her sister for the next six hours, keeping her company as she completed the painting. They took breaks and ate noodles together. They laughed together. It was the last hours Chaewon was able to spend with her sister before she got sick and admitted into the hospital suddenly.

Chaeyeon began adding two silhouettes standing together, facing the sunset. Once she was done, she added a coat of setting paint to seal the painting permanently.

"Done! What do you think?" Chaeyeon asked, picking up the painting and presenting it proudly.

"It's beautiful. You're so talented Unni! Eomma and Appa couldn't give me even just a tiny bit of this talent?" They both laughed.

"You're plenty talented yourself Miss. I keep telling you to start writing music but you never listen." Chaeyeon said shaking her head.

Suddenly, Chaeyeon's eyebrows furrowed as she gripped her chest.

"Unni is everything okay?" Chaewon rushed to her sisters side.

"Y-Yeah, I'm okay. Just a weird feeling in my chest." Chaeyeon held on tightly to the chair in front of her.

"Hold on, I'll get you some water." Chaewon ushered her sister into the chair. "Unni, have you been taking your medications?" Chaeyeon nodded slightly before closing her eyes and leaning back, still clutching over her heart.

Chaewon swiftly left the room and headed straight to the kitchen, grabbing a cup and filling it with water. Not wanting to leave her sister alone for so long, Chaewon rushed back upstairs, practically bursting through the door.

Chaewon helped her sister drink a couple of sips of water before she took out her phone and dialed 911.

By now, Chaeyeon was struggling to breathe, and it seemed like every breath was like climbing a mountain.

Chaewon ended the call and the sound of sirens approached the apartment complex.

"I got you, Unni. You'll be okay." Chaewon said as she lifted Chaeyeon from the chair, guiding one of her sisters arms over her shoulder. She slowly began walking towards the front door.

"Wonie, c-call Eomma and A-Appa." Chaeyeon managed to get it out in broken words.

Chaewon nodded, but looked away, unable to hold in her tears.

They made it to the front door, and the EMT's took over from Chaewon.

Physically, the weight was lifted from her shoulders, but emotionally, her shoulders sunk even further.

Chaewon ran towards the ambulance, trying to push her way inside to see her sister. The staff pushed her back, not allowing her inside.

"Unni!" Chaewon shouted.

One of the EMT's gave in, allowing Chaewon inside. Chaewon sat next to Chaeyeon, her tears now dry, but her heart heavier than ever.

The ride to the hospital was silent, the only thing heard were the various machines and monitors tracking Chaeyeon's vitals.

A couple of minutes later the ambulance arrived at the hospital and Chaewon was ushered out.

She watched as her sister was transferred onto a different platform. She stepped back to make way. Tears began to flow once again.

A car pulled up, and her parents quickly got out and ran towards Chaewon. All three of them watched as Chaeyeon was being pushed quickly into the emergency unit. That would be, until, they lost sight of her.

In the lobby of the ICU is where they stayed overnight. None of them could sleep. In fact, the hospital staff had requested them to leave, but Chaewon's father argued with them until the staff retreated from their nagging request.

"Eomma, Unni will be okay." Chaewon mustered up some courage to comfort her mother who had practically cried a river of tears by now. She latched on to her mother's arm, resting her head on her shoulder. 

A couple of hours of waiting, and the doctor came out to brief the family.

"Chaeyeon-ssi is a fighter, but unfortunately, it isn't looking too good." The doctor looked down, unable to meet the eyes of such a distraught family. 

"H-How long u-until-" Chaewon was interjected by the doctor. 

"Maybe around a month or so." He said softly. "You can see her now." The doctor motioned towards the door.

They all shuffled into the room, wiping away their tears, wanting to be strong in front of Chaeyeon. But only one of them was able to do that, and that was Chaewon.

"Unni." Chaewon exclaimed, running to her sister's side. Chaeyeon looked weakly at her parents, managing a small smile. 

After a couple of hours of small talk and spending some time with each other, the nurses informed them that visiting hours were over. 

"Wonie. I love you. Follow your dreams and write music. I know it makes you happy. Don't be afraid and do what makes you happy."

Those were the last words Chaewon had received from her sister. 

And it ended up being the last time she would get to see her sister. 

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