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I started cooking dinner for the boys, following my mom's recipe book that she had written years ago. Realizing that I was using a book from back home, it brought back a lot of memories. Memories with my family, yes, but also the stark realization that my life did a 180. If you would have told me that I would be working for a K-pop idol group and moving to Korea within a month, I would've called you crazy. It was basically unimaginable for me. I thought about Olivia. We had been texting almost every night, and face timing once a week. But it just wasn't the same. I missed her.

My stream of consciousness was cut by a soft knock at my door. I had invited the boys over and they weren't due for another hour, so who is that?

I walked over to the door, peeping into the door hole to be met with Jungkook staring right back at me. My eyes went wide. I quickly unlocked the door.

"Ah- you guys are early?" I stared back at Jungkook and Taehyung.

"We wanted to come here and help out, Noona," Jungkook said.

"Aish- Just tell her. Jin hyung forced us to come and help." Taehyung said smiling.

I chuckled at his forewardness. Jungkook laughed nervously.

Jungkook and Taehyung had a very interesting dynamic. Jungkook kept to his personal space. He loved his hyungs a lot, but he valued his own personal peace and thoughts a lot too. I think I would have the hardest time becoming close to him the most. Taehyung was slightly more outgoing and confrontational. But I could tell he valued his personal space too.

"Please, come in. You can help me a little bit." I said walking to the kitchen. The two boys followed closely behind me.

"Ah- Moon-ssi! This smells so good!" Taehyung remarked. Jungkook nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, it's my mom's recipe. I hope you all enjoy it." I tasked Jungkook with cutting some vegetables, and Taehyung was asked to mix some sugar into the tea.

Soon enough, the strong aroma of the cooked food began to overtake the kitchen.

The boys and I made small talk as we completed all the dishes and set the table. It was about time for the rest of the boys to join us for dinner.

Jungkook and Taehyung stood next to the neatly set table looking around awkwardly. I chuckled, realizing that though we have known each other for some time now, there was still a level of awkwardness that seemed so hard to break.

"You guys can sit in the living room if you'd like, I just want to clean up a little bit. The remote is in the drawer as well if you wanted to watch some TV." I motioned to where the drawer was.

They bowed and went to the living room, and a few moments later, I could hear the TV.

My phone buzzed in the back of my pocket. I pulled it out and my eyes widened at the text I had just received. It seemed like the boys had received it as well, as I heard the TV shut off and loud exclaims coming from the living room.

text from Hyejin Unni

Hyejin Unni: Chaewon, we just heard some bad news, Namjoon-ssi, Yoongi-ssi, Hoseok-ssi, and Seokjin-ssi were involved in a car accident just now on their way back from a schedule. I don't have much more information than that. Just wanted to let you know. I will keep you updated. For now, album activities will be suspended.

I physically gripped my chest. My breath was caught. This was not something anyone would imagine. Just a couple of minutes ago the boys and I were happily making dinner and now we suddenly have to bear this news.

I had gotten to know the boys a lot more these past few weeks. We aren't close by all means, but they still became a big part of my life. Emotionally, I felt very connected to a lot of them because in the process of making music, they had revealed to me a lot of their inner thoughts.

The living room was eerily silent. I waited. Should I go to them and say something? What could I even say? These are their brothers, their family. I can't even begin to imagine what they must be feeling.

Suddenly, amongst the silence I heard a small whimper. I knew I had to go and be there for them even if I don't know them so closely.

I cautiously walked towards the living room, contemplating what I should say.

I was met with the sight of a defeated Taehyung. His eyes were filled with tears as he held Jungkook's head in his shoulder. I didn't need to even see Jungkook to know that he too was crying.

Hearing me approach, Taehyung looked up and his tear filled eyes met my shocked expression. I didn't even feel the urge to cry because I was just so shocked that something like this could happen. He looked down again, not wanting to hold the eye contact any longer.

I wasn't sure what to do. But I also wasn't prepared for what was about to happen. Realizing that I was in the room, Jungkook lifted his head from Taehyung's shoulder and looked at me. I broke.

Tears began to fall from my eyes too. Seeing Jungkook's uncontrolled crying made my heart break in to pieces. I may not be so close with him, but I always felt like I needed to be an older sister whenever I dealt with him. Seeing how much his hyung's cared for him solidified my feeling as well.

Every conversation we would ever need to have was done through our eyes. We didn't need to say anything. We all shared the same sentiment. We were terrified, broken, and unsure of what was ahead.

I sat down on the couch, glancing over to see the two boys huddled next to each other, checking and re-checking their phones, hoping for an update.

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