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The music ended, and the 7 boys said their goodbyes, to a sea of crying fans, dreading the inevitable.

Realizing it would be practically impossible to find Olivia among the thousands of people, I quickly shot her a text.

We decided to meet up in the parking lot, but since I knew Olivia would probably wander around and stand in the merch lines, I decided to wander as well. As I was walking, I found myself humming "Spring Day". I really didn't want to prove Olivia right, but I did sort of feel a connection to BTS through their music. And even though I barely know their names, their music touched me for sure, and it was an experience I will never forget.

I sat down on the side of the curb, pulling out my thought journal from my backpack. I took out my dark blue pen and started scribbling random words.


a new beginning

the best version of me

in paradise

what if there was a shop in paradise, where I could exchange my sadness for comfort?


Before I could finish writing my next thought, a large, black SUV drove by, spraying the old puddle of rain water all over me. I looked at the SUV in disbelief. That was, until a large group of girls, screaming, started running behind the car. I put two and two together and realized, that that was BTS's SUV.

I got up, and did what any sane person should do. I ran. The opposite way.

Drenched, I made my way to Olivia's car. To my surprise she was already there, holding three full bags of what I assumed was merch.

"What the hell happened to you?" she asked with one eyebrow raised.

"I was drenched in old muddy rain water by your favs" I said back.

"No way. That's like a baptism. You got baptized by BTS. Be thankful." she said excited.


The car ride on the way home was silent. The uncontainable smile was evident as Olivia used the steering wheel as a drum.

"So... how did you feel? Are you a fan yet?" she smiled brightly in anticipation.

"They were cool. I liked Spring Day. I wouldn't say I am a fan though, I can't really remember their names either. But I think it's pretty cool how a Korean act is making it so big globally. Their parents must be proud of them." I replied. Olivia's smile dropped.

"Well, this just means we have to go to another one. Hey! When you go visit Korea, maybe I'll come with, so we can go to one of their event there" she beamed.

I nodded, smiling.


We waved goodbye as I entered my apartment, Mandu got up and greeted me.

I got into bed and closed my eyes. But I just could not sleep. I kept tossing and turning in an attempt to feel sleepy, but nothing worked.

I got up and sat in front of my keyboard. I let my fingers glide across it as if it was smooth ice. I built up a melody, my eyes closed, anticipating my next note. I stopped abruptly, took out my journal and began transposing the notes. This was going to be a long night.

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