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taehyung was the first to wake up, he always had a habit to wake up early when he knew he had to be at work. it was like he panicked when he wakes up as if he was worried he was running late. when he woke up he was met with a sleeping jungkook, who's arms were slightly over his waist. 

if anything taehyung wanted to stay in that position, it felt nice. it had been such a long time since he was in someone else's arms and it felt safe. he let jungkook sleep a little longer while he got ready. 

by the time jungkook got up and got ready they already started to be a little late. the raven kept apologising to taehyung for sleeping in when the brunette let him. they were opening shift anyways, as long as they weren't thirty minutes or an hour late they were fine. 

after explaining that to jungkook a million times when they were opening the raven finally dropped it. as they both set up the place, jin came in early.

"I did not know you were coming in early?" taehyung said, looking up from wiping down the counter to see jin walking in. 

"it is going to be a busy next couple of days since we close for the mini holidays" jin said 

"we could use all the help and early starters we can get, jimin is coming in early aswell. I will set up out back" jin commented as he walked towards the back of the cafe. 

"hey, by the way... thank you for opening up to me last night, dont take this as pity but I am sorry for what happened to you, you did not deserve that. I meant what I said last night" jungkook said as taehyung slowly placed a cup down onto the bench

"you will always be safe with me" the seriousness laced in jungkook's voice made taehyung's heart flutter, he looked at jungkook who was staring at him. no hint of sarcasm or joking in his voice.

the brunette leaned forwards, slowly placing a peck on jungkook's cheek.

"thank you ggukie" he whispered, after pulling away. going towards the coffee machines to make himself, jin, jungkook and jimin a drink. 

"whats up bitches!" they heard jimin yell as he walked into the cafe. jungkook was in a haze, he could hear people talking but it felt blurry. 'did taehyung really kiss my cheek?' he thought, memories flashing back to when they shared their first kiss. 

"what's your guys plans for the holidays?" jimin asked while putting his apron on. 

"I am taking a trip to see my parents, and will stay with them for a week and then come back" taehyung replied, catching jungkook off guard. 

"wait, arent I meant to be with you though? we still have another 2 weeks left?" jungkook questioned, looking at the brunette who smiled and handed him a drink. 

"so we can take a break for a week and you can spend time with your friends and relax and then we can come back" the brunette suggested. looking at jungkook who did not seem so sure. 

"could I come with you?" the male asked, the room was quiet and jimin was standing there awkwardly. watching as the two of them stared at each other. 

"u-uhm yeah, sure" taehyung stuttered out, avoiding eye contact with jimin. 

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