Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

I wish I could say that my friendship between Maggie and I worked out. But it didn't. there was too much damage between us. I still see in the hallway and smile at her, but its all one sided.

Christian managed to talk to Jenny, and she told him what Maggie had said to her. They are now officially a couple. Im glad, I like seeing Christian smiling with her, seeing him happy.

Chase and I became friends too, and he also became friends with Christian, every now and then he still refers to him as faggatron, but Christian just smiles it off.

Jason and Karla are still together, and I am glad. His first real relationship. She comes over to the house often, its surreal seeing Jason all lovey dovey with her, I like making fun of him about it.

I regained my relationship with my dad, we now saw each other every other weekend. And I am glad to have him back in my life.

Going over to his home seemed so normal now. Even though he would keep a close eye on Damien and myself, when he was home. Damien's mom is more aid back and just winks at us and smiles.

Dad, he kept his promise and helped put Damien in a facility, where he can talk to a psychologist. Brandon ended up apologizing to me, and I accepted his apology. He will be in the facility for a year.

Chase and Damien also fixed their relationship, now Nelson doesn't have to coordinate with them so that they can all hang out.

Damien and I, well, let's just say that I have never been happier. Just thinking about him makes me smile. I decided that I wasn't going to let our parents' relationships get in the way. He started doing better in his classes too, no more tutoring.

Sometimes, Nerds just attract Bad boys. 

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