Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

When you're about to lose something, you finally realize how valuable it truly is. I wonder if that was what Maggie was thinking at the time. She surely didn't seem happy. No, she had an annoyed expression plastered on her face.

Jenny, i soon found out her name was only a freshman. What was Christian doing with a freshman. Is she even allowed to go into an R-rated movie?

I wonder.

Maggie stood next to me. "I feel like a 5th wheel." She whispered.

"You didn't know he was inviting anyone?" I wonder why he didn't say anything. I had to get to the bottom of this with him.

Now how was I going to do that with Chase watching my every move.

"You guys should get your tickets we already got ours so we can go in already." Christian said to Chase.

We walked up to the line to purchase the tickets.

"Looks like faggatron got some game."

"Oh, shut up." I nudged Chase. "Be nice please."

"I'm always nice babe."

Aww. Every time he calls me that I feel my knees go weak.

We finally went up to the window and Chase, after me arguing how I could pay for my own ticket but lost after he said that boyfriends pay for their girlfriends(sexist) when they are in a date, paid for the movie tickets. We entered the movie theater and made our way towards the concession stand.

"Christian, can you buy me a pretzel too." She was all too cheerful.

"Oh my god fuck-a-bitches squeaky voice is going to burn another hole through my ears." Maggie whispered towards me.


"I'm going to the ladies' room." She shimmed "I need to take a piss." Sourness clear in her tone of voice.

"Emma what are you getting?" My focus was taken away from Maggie's distant body as she walked away.

"Huh?" I looked over from where the squeaky voice was coming from.

"I asked what you were going to get?"

I looked at Jenny for a second she was blonde had rose colored cheeks. Her complexion was flawless. And it looked like she put work on her make up trying to get ready for who I believe, Christian. The way that she held on to him, she really likes him.

"I'm going to get popcorn." I gave Jenny a small smile.

I glanced over at Christian. He too seemed happy as he glanced down at Jenny. I hadn't seen him smile like that in forever.

"I'll be back I'm going to check up on Maggie." I looked up to look at Chase. He gave me a small smile and leaned down to give me a gentle kiss on my forehead. I give him a small smile as I walk towards the bathroom.

"Mags? Are you ok?" I entered the bathroom cautiously.

Maggie in better terms is that kind of person that will break down or try and break someone down. I had to make sure to approach her carefully.

"I'm dandy, how is my bestie out there?"

"Christian? He is fine we are all waiting for you to walk in....." I said quickly but Maggie cuts me off.

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