Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Why did I even get on this bike why oh god why.

I wouldn't dream of hurting you, Emma.

Damien's words popped in my head.

Lies I tell you lies!

"Damien please slow down!" I yelled over the wind that was gushing on my face.

I swear he was probably going like 200 mph!

Ok maybe I was being a little big overly dramatic. But in my defense, I had never been on a motorcycle. And it felt like my life was about to flash in front of my eyes because I was certain I was riding on this bike straight to my funeral.

Damien on the other hand found it amusing.

I was holding onto him very tightly that I felt his stomach move a little as he chuckled with amusement every time, I tightened my grip on him. And well I didn't mind feeling his abs either, hey sue me like I had said before this man is gorgeous if he wasn't such a jerk and well Maggie's ex.


I managed to open my eyes for a moment just to glance at my surrounding. In that moment I noticed we were halfway across town. I doubt that the garage is this far off. I wanted to ask him where he was taking me, but I doubt that he would have heard me. Having a conversation on a bike is so the business.

After what felt like a lifetime on the back of that bike he had finally slowed down. We were in a bad part of town. Nothing but run-down building. The street smelt bad, and I saw way too many bums walking around for my own health.

"I thought you were taking me to your mechanic?" I glanced up at him as I threw my leg over the back to stand on the sidewalk, taking of the helmet.

"I had something I needed to get done. You know before I played your knight in shining armor." He smirked.

"You're anything but. " I scoffed.

Causing him to chuckle he started walking down the sidewalk.

I self-consciously walked a lot closer to Damien than I would have like. Hey in my defense it was scary here.

"Got any change." A man jumped out of nowhere causing me to scream a little.

I grabbed on to Damien's arm and shielded my face against his arm.

"Hey man back off." I heard Damien's voice.

He put his arm around my shoulders and kept me close.

I welcomed it since I didn't want to be scared off by another homeless man.

"So, what are we doing here anyways?"

Damien looked down at me.

"I need to take care of some.... Business." He thought about his words carefully. Thinking about what he was going to say next to me.

"Look. Just stay close and when we get there don't make eye contact with anyone and don't speak ok."

"Oh god I'm going to die." Damien just chuckled and shook his head.

We came in front of a big brick building after walking about 2 blocks. 2 very large men stood in front of a door. There was a camera on the corner. Surveillance, I'm sure.

It didn't seem shady at all. Yeah right. There was obviously illegal activity going on in that building. And that was the building we were about to walk into.

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