Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Do what my heart tells me? I sat still; alone now on the brown painted bench, that had paint chipping on the seat next to me, where various couples had once carved their names onto, I wonder if those couples were still together now? If those same couples that had once came here together were still sharing their life together, or if they realized that love and together forever was all just a lie. The sun was starting to go down.

"I was wondering if I was ever going to find you." Chase sat next to me. His face flushed as if he had been running this whole time. His hair stuck to his forehead, it was no longer up and livid, instead it just hung there.

"You know, your life should be a soap opera, I would definitely watch it, I mean your boyfriend, is your stepbrother, that kind of shit is comical." He started laughing.

"I'm glad that my life is a fucken joke to you." He was laughing it off, while I was honestly trying to figure out what I was going to do with all of this. How was I going to deal with this non-sense that was my life.

"No, but all jokes aside. This really isn't that bad, I mean yeah, you only left me to be with your brother!" his laughter was louder now as he held on to his stomach. I couldn't stand Chase now. I shoved him as hard as I could, but it was like trying to move a boulder that just wouldn't budge; I made more damage to my hand and wrist than I did to him.

Frustrated I got up from the old bench and tucked my hands under my armpits for warmth. I could see my breath in front of me, days were growing colder. My foggy breath was just a sign of how cold it really was starting to get. I could see the post light in front of me starting to flicker as I walked towards it.

"Hold up Emma." I could hear Chase semi jogging behind me to be right at my side. "Ok, now I am done with all the jokes, you know he was really worried about you. And come on honestly, I hate the guy because you know, but any who, it really isn't that bad, it could be worse."

It could be worse.

It really could be, but this was also a lot to take in, in just a couple of hours. I had to think about this, I should see this from all points of view, because this, this calamity was now my life. I mean did the universe really want to intercept into my life that badly!

"Was my dad still there when you left?" I was looking down at the paved road as I walked next to Chase. I had walked this road many times going and coming from the same park with my dad. Holding his hand, finally getting home and seeing mom waiting for us at the door.

"When I left, he was, but I am not sure right now, that was a couple of hours ago. Do you want to come to my place just in case?" Chase said causing me to look up at him, he was looking down at me, scratching the back of his neck, a habit he always did whenever he was nervous.

"No, its fine Chase thanks. I think I'll just head over to Christian's house; I need to process today's events in peace."

"Right, Christian, I forgot about that faggatron. I'll walk you there."

We walked in silence the whole way there, Christian only lived a couple of blocks from my home, but at the same time he was closer to the park than we were, I was glad I had Chase for company, something about the dark scared me tonight, especially after what had happened with Brandon. I needed my best friend. I needed that shoulder, the shoulder that no matter what happened was always there for me to cry on.

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