Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

My current situation.

Siting in the front seat with Chase.

Thinking about the hot kiss that I had shared with Damien.

Moral statues.

I'm going to hell.

Girlfriend statue.

I sucked. Plus, infinity and beyond.

Did I want to kiss Damien again?


I groaned inwardly and let the back of my head hit Chase's car seat.

It has been a week since I first started tutoring Damien, a week since he kissed me, since I kissed him back.
"Hey what's wrong? Do I need to kick that mutt's ass?" Chase grabbed my hand as he almost growled.

"Speaking of which, how did you get that black eye? You said you were going to tell me." I had asked him about it after our math class but then the whole me tutoring Damien situation occurred. And I had been bugging him to tell me what had happened all week. It was now a light shade of green, it was almost diminished.

"So, movie night tonight at your place right? It's Friday. What time should I be there?" He tried to change the subject.

I glared at him waiting for an answer.

He let out a loud sigh. "Promise you won't laugh." He glances at me before refocusing on the road in front of us.

"Why would I laugh Chase?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Ok so, remember how I told you I needed to get something done well I got sidetracked and I kind of sort of got hit in the face with a football."

I let out a small chuckle. "You were playing football?" I raised an eyebrow.

"A couple of guys and I were fooling around playing keep the football away from the jocks and well I lost my footing trying to catch a pass and I fell backwards and the ball kind of sort of landed on my face." He shrugs his shoulders smirking at me. I couldn't help but replay the image of him falling and getting hit by the ball over and over in my head.

"So, you're coming to our movie night?" I smiled at Chase.

"Well, faggatron is going to be there so yeah I am definitely going to be there." I looked at him blankly.

"You don't have to be so rude to Christian you know, he is my best friend, we have known each other for years."

Chase didn't even bother responding. Instead, I noticed his knuckles getting white as he clutched onto the steering wheel with force. He stared out at the road his jaw clenching and unclenching. As soon as we got to our houses, I said good bye to Chase and we parted ways.

"I don't think so, Matt and the guys are coming over tonight. Have your dumb stupid movie night next week." Jason was infuriating me now. I mean who in the right mind want to watch college kids playing football!!!! I mean USC vs UCLA!!! Come one we all already know who the winner is going to be.

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