Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

I didn't feel like staying at school after what had happened just moment ago.

"I'm going home." I looked at Damien, forcing a smile on my face.

"I'll follow you; I have an idea." His face instantly became brighter.

I nodded my head in agreement.

Crossing my arms over my chest, we both walked into the parking lot, me heading to my car and Damien heading to his bike.

Once home I parked my car in the driveway, mom wouldn't be getting home till later on tonight, the only person that would see my car here during school hours would be Jason, but I highly doubt he would come home during his class breaks.

Damien parked his bike along the sidewalk and walked up to me. "Leave your bag and bring your helmet." He smiled at me.

I walked in through the front door, Damien stayed outside leaning again his bike.

Walking up the stairs straight to my bedroom. I dropped my bag on the floor I reached for a smaller purse to put my iPhone in and my wallet, I decided to change out of my boots and put on my high-top converse they were much more comfortable. I remembered to grab the helmet that Damien had given me the last time were on his bike together. I closed the door to my room and went downstairs. Before heading out the front door I noticed a note on the dinner table. Walking up to the dinner table I grabbed it and started reading the note.

Had a last-minute business trip, will be back home next Monday. Leaving $200 for each of you. Sorry, love you guys. Mom.

Of course. I reached the envelop that had my name on and sure enough there was $200 in there. I took the money out and slid in into my wallet.

She was always doing that, leaving on last minute business trips, even when dad was here, she was always way too involved in her work.

Heading for the front door I opened it and walked out, I locked the door before heading over to where Damien was standing, a cigarette in between his lips.

For years I had been on Jason's case about smoking, telling him how bad it was for his health. But seeing Damien with a cigarette in between his lips just made him look hotter.

wrapping both my arms around the helmet I walked up to Damien. As soon as I got close to him, he flicked his cigarette onto the pavement.

"Ready." he smiled at me.

"Ready." I responded back to him.

Damien mounted his bike, I moved to the back of the bike and threw my leg over his bike, getting as close as possible to Damien as I could. As if on cue we both put on our helmets.

"Hold on!" Damien yelled over his shoulder as his bike roared to life.

We had been on the road for about an hour, and we have yet to reach our destination.

I wish we had taken his jeep; I could have used this time to take a nap. I leaned my head on Damien's back.

It's weird how comfortable I felt around him. It's not the same as how I felt with Chase, with Chase I felt like I needed to be a good girlfriend to try and make him happy, but with Damien it felt like all my actions came naturally. I wasn't scared to truly be myself; he would bring out a side of me that I had shoved in a box, a side that scared me but excited me at the same time. I wasn't scared to take a chance, because Damien is the biggest chance that I am taking.

I was so deep in thought that I hadn't noticed that Damien had brought his bike to a stop.

"Well?" I looked up and noticed that Damien already had his helmet off.

"Huh? Well, what?" I took off my helmet, and Damien pointed to something behind me. I turned my head.

We were at an amusement park.

Fun land.

The bright letters were blinking with colorful lights.

To say I was excited was an understatement, because I was at a loss for words.

"I haven't been to an amusement park since I was like 12." A big smile plastered on my face.

"My dad brought me here a week before he walked out on us." He looked straightforward, not really looking at the theme park, but searching for the past.

I stayed quiet, next to him, not really knowing how to handle the situation. Yes, his had walked out on them and yet he came back, he came back a broken man in need of his family, sick.

"How is he doing?" I looked up at him and he glanced down at me.

"I know he is not going to make it, and I know it's too late to make up for the years he missed out. But I don't want him to go through this alone, not having anyone there by his side." Sincerity was laced in his words. "Mom and Eli, my little sister went to go see him the other day, I didn't think my mom would go but she did."

I don't know how long we stood there staring at nothing, standing in a comfortable silence next to each other.

He cleared his throat, breaking us from our silence.

"We should go in." He smiled down at me as he gestured his head for us to go.

Before we reached the window to buy our tickets Damien grabbed my hand in his interlacing our fingers together. He brought up my hand up to his lips and kissed it.

Boy, does he know how to make me blush.

I insisted on paying for my ticket since the tickets were $60 dollars each but, in the end, Damien ended up paying for the both of us, we agreed that I would buy the food once inside the theme park.

"So, what should we do first." I giggled excitedly.

Damien thought for a quick second scrunching up his face, two lines forming in between his eyebrows as he furrowed them together.

"I know." He pulled me from my hand, we were both running through the theme park like children. Both of us laughing at our antics.

Finally, we reached a roller coaster. I had to tilt my head all the way back to see how high it was.

Now I don't know if you all remember, but I did mention that I was terrified of heights. How in the fudging way was I going to go on that ride?

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