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Outside King's Landing, the Crownlands

112 AC

The crashing of the sea was the only noise heard. On two pyres were stone coffins: one of Queen Aemma Targaryen of House Arryn, and the second for Prince Baelon Targaryen, who hadn't made it through the night.

She felt her husband's presence behind her. "They need you." he murmured in High Valyrian.

Elaera was surprised he came to comfort her and not Rhaenyra. He always preferred the Realm's Delight.

"I wonder if Mellos listened to the midwives, then Baelon could have been healthier." Elaera murmured. She had hired midwives from the Vale, the Riverlands, and the Crownlands, from Essos as well to attend her mother.

That was the reason Aemma had made it nine moons. But Mellos refused to listen to them, she discovered, the had Baelon cut out of her womb.

"The gods take and take without discrimination." the Prince of the City said. "You know what to do." he squeezed her hand.

With a deep breath, Elaera stepped forward and Perzysia turned her head to her rider, fire opal scales glittering in the sunlight. She stood next to Syrax, Rhaenyra's golden and yellow scaled she dragon.

I'm sorry. the she dragon offered.

Thank you. the lilac eyed princess said to her dragon. She didn't stop tears coming from her eyes. "Dracarys."

Perzysia began to stalk down the hill, heading straight for the funeral pyres. When she got close enough, her maw swung open and crimson flames streaked with gold hit the pyres, setting them alight with fire.

She backed away from the fire as burning flesh assaulted her nose, letting Daemon hug her from behind.

Syrax joined her flames at Rhaenyra's command, the golden-yellow flames joined crimson and gold.

Aemma Targaryen and Baelon Targaryen were nothing but ashes in thirty five minutes.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it!

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