Return to Court

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Skies Above King's Landing

132 AC

Here we are. Thank god Rhaenyra the smell. Elaera said down the bond to Perzysia.

Rhaenyra had won over many smallfolk with rebuilding a proper sewage system, several aqueducts, and fountains, along with public bathhouses. The work had started in 120 and had finished that year.

 Allyria had been a key supporter in it and overseeing the total construction, and was nicknamed the Architect.

Syrax lead the parade of dragons, with Perzysia and Caraxes following and then the rest of the dragons in an arrow shape.

They reached the Dragonpit, but Perzysia, Syrax, and Caraxes would not be chained. Eventually, they were allowed in but not chained, once their riders calmed them down.

Only a few days. Perzysia reminded herself.

Only a few days. Then we will go home. the Wise agreed.

She joined her children, and on a litter with her daughters left for the Red Keep.

Aemond POV

Training Yard, the Red Keep

132 AC

Aemond had wanted to take Vhagar on a ride, but he had seen Syrax, Perzysia, Caraxes, Meleys, Vermithor, Silverwing, Moondancer, Arrax, Skyfall, Vermax, Grey Ghost, Shrykos, and Morghul in the sky and a boat on the coastline, and was filled the desire to pummel someone.

Whispers filled the courtyard, and the clashes of Ser Lorent Marbrand and Ser Steffon Darklyn stopped.

He realized his half sisters's children were in the courtyard, and he caught a glimpse of silver-white hair shinning in the sunlight.

Aemond and Ser Criston do not stop, not even when he sees that they've joined the crowd watching him spar with Ser Criston.

When he turned slightly, he can see him, surrounded by his siblings, cousins, and Ser Ethan Baratheon. A spike of jealousy goes up when he laughed softly at something Ethan says, the others laughing as well.

It wasn't fair that a Baratheon orphan was one of the closest people to Maekar after his family.

"Well done, My Prince." Criston said when he had a sword to his neck. "You'll be winning tourney's in no time."

"I don't give shit about tourney's." the Fire Prince said, lowering his sword. It didn't get much of a reaction out of his nieces and nephews, but Ethan blinked.

"Nephews." he said, turning his head to face the children of the Realm's Delight and the Ruby Dragon. "Have you come to train?" he questions them.

Before any of them could reply, the gates open and Vaemond Velaryon's party marches in. Vaemond Velaryon tried to stare them down, but he got a death glare from Visenya, an unimpressed look form Jacaerys while Lucerys rolled his eyes at him.

He walked over to them as everyone cleared up, eye's trying not to linger on the way the doublet let a bit of his chest exposed.

"Uncle." Maekar drawled, towering over him a 5'11 while Ethan was at 6'2.

Aemond decided he quite liked hearing uncle coming from his (rather handsome) nephew's lips.

He would have responded if he saw Grandfather beckoning him. Ignoring the rest of his half sisters brood, he left.

(And if he was hoping that a pair of deep purple eyes were following him, he would have been disappointed to know that Maekar's attention had returned to his siblings, cousins, and Ethan.)

Maekar's Chambers, Elaera & Daemon's Apartments

132 AC

"He was looking at you." Ethan said again, pacing the room. 

Maekar rubbed his forehead at his lover's jealousy. "I saw it, Ethan. I was there to, love."

"But still—"

Maekar kissed his lover on the lips before breaking apart. "I love you, Ethan. No one else, Aemond's crush on me be damned."

Ethan relaxed and pressed his forehead to him, his callused hands resting on Maekar's hips. "Say it again."

"Avy jorrāelan." (I love you.) the heir of Caelum calmly repeated.

Ethan kissed him again and once they locked the door, their clothes went flying all over the room.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

Aemond has a crush of Maekar, but unfortunately Maekar and Ethan are together and have no interest in polyamory.

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