Presentation to Court

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Throne Room, the Red Keep

Mid 113 AC, one month after Maekar's birth

"Are you sure about this, Your Grace? Surely you can do this another time." Otto said, unknowingly pressing Viserys's buttons.

"This is my firstborn grandchild, Otto. I will be present when he is presented to the royal court." Viserys said firmly.

"But Prince Maekar is so far down from the line of succession, you don't even need to do this." the Hand of the King stated arrogantly.

"Ser Harrold please remove Ser Otto from the room and my line of sight before I have his tongue removed." Rhaenyra said coldly.

No one insulted her nephew and sister and got away with it.

The Westerling Knight was prompt to remove Otto, getting help form Erryk to forcibly remove the Hightower Lord from the Throne Room.

He was tossed onto his ass right in front of Elaera. She smirked at him maliciously and entered the Throne Room.

The courtiers quieted as they tried to get a glimpse of the newest Targaryen Prince. All they could see was a large bundle wrapped in Targaryen red and black.

"Father, I present you your firstborn grandchild and eldest grandson, the heir of the Midnight Throne, Prince Maekar Targaryen." Elaera said, holding up her son. Pointedly refusing to acknowledge Alicent.

The little prince let out a giggle, reaching for his grandsire. The ladies let out coos as Viserys carefully navigated down the steps and Rhaenyra strode to her sister's side.

Maekar let out another laugh and reached for his aunt's hair.

"Can I hold him?" Rhaenyra inquired.

"Of course. Be careful thought, he's very big." the Princess of Caelum said. The court finally saw silver-white hair and deep purple eyes as Maekar was taken into his aunt's embrace.

"He is beautiful, Elaera." Viserys said when he reached his daughters and grandson, holding him with Elaera's permission. Maekar smiled up at him. 

"He has Aemma's smile." the Young King smiled sadly.

The Red Keep, King's Landing

Mid 113 AC

All the court would talk about was Prince Maekar Targaryen, the prince whose name meant 'protector' in High Valyrian, the Heir of the Midnight Throne and the eldest grandchild of the Young King.

No one would talk about her son, Prince Aegon Targaryen, named after the Conqueror himself, whose name meant... wait she didn't know what Aegon meant in High Valyrian.

Alicent picked at her fingernails in silent distress. Her father had been banished from court when he began to insult the Silver Princess and her son, which had Viserys temporarily banish him until Elaera returned to Caelum.

And now, she had no protecter. No one to keep her son safe from when Rhaenyra would kill Aegon to defend her right to the Iron Throne.

"And did you hear? The Princess had been rebuilding Everlight Haven and restoring the old library and expanding her own private one. The citizens are calling her the Lady of Starlight." Rohanne Baratheon gossiped. "The city is becoming a trading hotspot."

"Maybe I shall visit Everlight Haven. Oldtown does get boring after you see it one to many times." Leila Tyrell said, eyes glancing at Alicent.

Want to get me in trouble? My family can easily impose rules and restrictions on House Hightower. her eyes spoke silent words not spoken yet heard.

Rohanne gave a curt curtsey to Alicent and walked away with Leila.

I am the Queen. If Aemma Arryn could wield the love of the royal court, why can't I?

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it!

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