Interlude: Betrothals

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Elaera & Daemon's Apartments, Maegor's Holdfast

132 AC

"You have an idea for a wife?" Daemond drawled later that afternoon.

"Adrianna Celtigar." Maekar said, the neckline of his doublet covering the marks on his neck. "She's... like me."

"I am a women who loves women, and the prince is a man who loves men." a voice said and Adrianna Celtigar entered.

Elaera gave Maekar's possible wife a once over. The second daughter of Lord Bartimons Celtigar, seventeen year old Adrianna was one of the nubile and beautiful maidens of the royal court with white blonde hair and blue violet eyes.

Adrianna sat down next to Maekar, steely eyes meeting Elaera's and Daemon's gazes unflinchingly. "I have a lover, Serena Blackwood, Lord Samwell Blackwood's youngest sister. In exchange for a few things, I will let Maekar continue his relationship with Ser Ethan."

"I will let her have her relationship with Lady Serena." Maekar said calmly.

"What 'few things' have you agreed one?" the Prince of the City said.

"Serena beds men and women but she prefers women romantically and sexually, she only enjoys men for pleasure." Adrianna said. "Ser Ethan has agreed to marry Serena so we can remain close. Serena and I shall do our duties and have heirs."

"I'm not able to romantically or sexually love women, but I will give her respect and friendship." Maekar said. "Ethan and Serena are already childhood friends, so he has agreed with this."

Daemon and Elaera exchanged long looks before Elaera nodded.

"We agree to this then. The betrothals will be announced tomorrow after the hearing."

Gardens of Maegor's Holdfast, Maegor's Holdfast

132 AC

"That went better than I thought it would." Maekar said as the two strolled through the gardens.

"I'm surprised your parents know of your... preferences."

"Kepa walked into me and Ethan when I was sixteen, we were having sex." Maekar whispered carefully and softly so only Adrianna could hear it. If any of Larys Strong's spies were about, he was just whispering with a beautiful lady.

Adrianna giggled to sell the act. "What did he say?"

"He said 'lock the door next time' and walked out. None of my siblings nor my mother was surprised, and Kepus Laenor was a great help when I was figuring out I preferred men." Maekar said.

"But Ser Laenor sired four children with Princess Rhaenyra."

"They used a Valyrian method to have children, the same one we can use." Maekar explained. "I'm glad you approached me Adrianna, because I found someone I can trust and rule with."

"I'm glad I took the chance when I approached you." Adrianna agreed. "You and I will not love each other, but I do expect you to pull your weight when it comes to raising our children."

"I will do my part, I swear on Fire and Blood. I will give you trust, respect, and friendship." Maekar said sincerely.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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