Subtle Proposals

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Hunting grounds, outside King's Landing

115 AC

"Princess Elaera!" a loud voice greeted and Elaera forced a fake smile on to her face as she exited the tent.

"Lord Jason." she greeted.

"I do hope this hunt goes well. Princess Rhaenyra already went ahead. Women in a forest alone is a bad thing." the Lannister lord said, offering his arm as they walked slightly aways from the tent.

Elaera forced him back to the camp when he tried to tug her into a more empty part of the camp.

"She did, with three guards of the Kingsguard and her Ladies guards as well." Elaera said sharply.

"Of course, they will all be well protected. I sent some of my own men for my sister." Jason said hastily. "I hope you can visit Casterly Rock, Your Grace. You would love the library, and the views are breathtaking."

"Jocasta has talked about it." Elaera commented.

"The views must be even better on dragon back. Casterly rock can hold a dragon or two should you or your sister do a royal progress in the Westerlands... or my lady wife." Jason casually said, eyes flicking to where Perzysia slept. Syrax had left to hunt in the forest.

Lilac eyes turned harder than dragonstone. Arryk silently prepared himself for the dressing down Jason was going to get.

Other lords and ladies paused by. Viserys, who had just exited the tent with Otto and Alicent, stopped as well.

"I am still married to Prince Daemon, Lord Lannister." the Ruby Princess snarled. "And even if my husband does not survive the Stepstones, if I chose to marry again I will have a say in it. I'm still Princess of Caelum, my son the heir. I would be most surprise if he dies so young."

Wordlessly Elaera spun on her heel and made a beeline for Perzysia, who stirred. The dragon lumbered over to her rider.

"Elaera!" Viserys shouted. "Stop!"

The Silver Princess ignored her father, ignored Ser Arryk as she mounted her dragon and saddled her self. 

The Fire Queen roared and shot into the sky.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it!

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