Words of Warning

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The Red Keep, King's Landing

Last Day of 132 AC

"My Queen! Princess Hand!" a messenger gasped, running towards them. Harrold and Arryk pulled out their swords immediately, getting in front of the two royals. 

Elaera and Rhaenyra turned to the messenger. "A message from Lady Jeyne!" the messenger said, holding out the letter.

Arryk took the letter, handing it to Rhaenyra who held it so both she and her sister could read it.

Together, the Wise and the Realm's Delight read their cousins letter.

To Her Majesty the Queen and the Princess Hand

The Vale is under attack. Wickenden has been taken by Prince Aemond, with 5,000 men being killed in the battle. A soldier was able to get to us alive informing us that a host of roughly 20,000 or more marches on the Eyrie.

I beg of you for dragons, to remember your Arryn blood, as I put on my armor to lead my men.

Your Cousin,

Lady Jeyne Arryn, Wardeness of the East, Protector of the Vale, and Lady of the Eyrie.

"Thus fuckers." Rhaenyra swore. "I will go, I will lead to a morale boost."

"I'll send Maekar with you, and Rhaenys should accompany you. Vermithor, Meleys, and Syrax can overwhelm Vhagar." the Silver Princess advised, lilac eyes calculating.

"We must gather all the men we can." Rhaenyra said. "We cannot let the Greens take the Vale!"

Again short, but I hope you all enjoyed it. I suck at writing battles, but I promise to do my best.

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