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We are approaching the conference room and I feel my hands starting to sweat. I turn to Bella and she's walking with a huge smile on her face. Her red gown hugged her perfectly and her hair was up in a neat bun. She looks incredible. "Don't they make you feel nervous?", I asked her while looking around at all the people who were watching us as we approached the entrance. "Why would they? Am not the one with a huge behind", she teased making me even more nervous. "Am kidding. Of course, they make me nervous, but it helps when I think of Tyler waiting for me behind those doors", she said with excitement. "When he sees me in this dress, he's going to be a goner. He's going to ravish me tonight", she said with an evil smile making me laugh.

The place was busy, with soft music and people chatting as usual. I kept trying to look for Leo with no luck, so I decided to go to the bar. I found Cruz trying to seduce a woman that looked familiar. Then I reached them and I was speechless when I saw that it was Janeth.

"J-Janeth?", I called making them both look at me. "H-hey Sis", she said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. Then her eyes started to water. I walked closer and pulled her in a hug. "Am so sorry. Please forgive me", she kept repeating the same words over and over. "It's ok. Stop crying please", I whispered in her ear running my hand up and down her back hoping to calm her down.

"I came here hoping to see you. I saw that you were married to Leo Specter and well, my boss usually comes to this gala so I asked him if I could come so that I would see you and apologise for everything", she kept rambling with more tears coming down her cheeks. I took Cruz's handkerchief and started whipping her tears away until she was calm enough. "You two know each other?", Cruz asked making me, nod my head. "She is my sister", my answer made Janeth smile and Cruz's jaw hit the floor. "What happened? Does Mum and Dad know you're here?", I asked looking worried. I didn't want her to get into trouble because of me.

"No, I haven't spoken to them in a while", she said looking at her fingers. "Why?", I asked looking confused. "I kinda ran from an arranged marriage. Am ok now, I got a job and it's paying well so don't worry. I just wanted to see you. I have to go now before there are any pictures of me but this is my number and I would like for us to talk more if that is okay with you", she said nervously. "Of course Janeth. I would love nothing more. This is my brother-in-law, he will take you to wherever you need to go. Are you sure you're ok?", I asked her again and she nodded her head.

I had a feeling there was something more happening in her life but I was going to get to the bottom of it right after the gala. Cruz left with her, promising me to keep her safe. "There you are. Who was that?", Bella asked. "It was Janeth", i said still looking at the entrance even though they were already gone. "Your sister?", "Yes. Don't tell anyone ok? She is hiding from our parents and I would like to know more about who they arranged her marriage to", I said with determination. "What the hell is she doing here?", Bella spat making me turn behind me to see Alexa trying to talk to Leo, who seemed annoyed by the act. He was speaking to one of Luxe's oldest customers. "I got this", i told Bella then started walking towards them.

"It will just take a second. Please Leo", I heard her beg when I got closer. "Husband, I was looking for you. I didn't know Mr. Ronald was hiding you", I said joining the group. Alexa stepped away like Leo was burning her making me smirk. "Oh my! Angel you look the part my dear", he said with a huge smile. "Thank you. You look handsome as well, putting all these guys to shame", he beamed with happiness. "Leo, you hit the jackpot with this one", he said raising his glass to me, making me giggle. His wife came and took him to the dancing floor.

"Alexa. What was so urgent that you had to crash my Gala?", Leo asked pulling me closer to him. "I was hoping we could speak alone", she said looking at me. "Well, she's my wife so this is all the privacy you get. Either say it or be on your way out before I call security", Leo said with his office voice that kinda did things to me. "I just wanted to apologise for everything. That's all", she said looking guilty. "Sure. Now what the fuck do you really want?", he said with so much spite that I had to pull back to see his face. It was emotionless. I didn't get why he was so cold towards her, she just apologised.

"Am pregnant and Liam wants me to get rid of it. Please help me", she pleaded. "Well, you never wanted kids. You didn't have a problem getting rid of our baby behind my back so why should it trouble you now?", the news hit me like a ton of bricks. "I apologised for my stupidity Leo, how could you judge me for that? I am no longer a young and naive supermodel. I want to have a baby. Please help me", she begged and before Leo could say anything, security came and took her out discretely.

"Wanna dance baby?", he said clearly avoiding what I just found out about them. "Yeah sure", i agreed following him to the dancing floor. "You look amazing tonight", he said with a smile. "Thank you, baby. You look handsome too. I can't wait to get rid of this suit and suck every inch of you", I said in a whisper making him groan. "I can't wait to serve myself to you Angel. You are all that I ever wanted and more", he said making me tilt my head just in time for his lips to land on mine.

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