Sibling Love

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Leo's POV

There was a knock on the door and I knew it was Angel. It was late, I couldn't believe she was still up waiting for me. I felt guilty, she couldn't sleep because of me. I had unlocked the door hoping she would walk in but when she didn't I thought she gave up. The door was opened before I could allow her to come in, making me turn abruptly, ready to confront her. It wasn't Angel. It was the person I'd been wanting to see the whole day but she was late... way too late.

"Hi, Lee. Mind if I come in?", Sofia asked nervously, I remained silent, watching her walk into the office and sitting on the couch. "What are you doing here?", I asked trying to remain calm and hoping she didn't pick up the anger in my voice.

"Am sorry. I was so blinded by jealousy that I forgot what really mattered between us. Our friendship", she said avoiding my eyes. I sat on the edge of my desk looking at her. "You could have waited till morning. Why come here now?", I asked. 

Growing up with Sofia made me understand how she thinks and acts, what made her angry or happy so I didn't know what was happening and why she was being out of character.

"Your wife came to my house", she said meeting my eyes. "So Angel made you come here then", I asked getting more frustrated that she had to be forced by someone. "Leo, she did not force me to come here", she said making me look at her with surprise only to find that she had a knowing smile. I guess, I am predictable to her as well. It was the thing that I missed the most about her. 

"She made me see reason", she said making me chuckle. The mental view of my pregnant wife banging her door did that to me. "She is an amazing woman you know. I would never admit it if you tell her I said that... to her or anyone else", she said making me smile. Then tears started filling her eyes. I was filled with the urge to go and comfort her, protect her but something in me told me not to. It told me to wait and see if she would finally make the first move.

"Am sorry Leo. Am sorry that I have been causing problems between you and Angel. I just couldn't stand the fact that I became second to you. Whenever you chose her, it felt like I was losing my brother even more. I just couldn't stand it. When she came to my house today, it taught me something. It taught me that when you love someone you will do anything to make them happy, including looking past the bad things one did to you and making amends just because they complete the one you love. I've been so focused on us that I didn't stop to think of her. She is your wife and she is pregnant with your child. I mean, this is something that you have been wishing for ever since Alexa had the abortion. I was supposed to be there to celebrate with you but instead, I allowed my ego to control me. Am so sorry Leo. Please forgive me", she said full-on sobbing at this point and it made me smile because this was the first time that she was actually honest with me and it felt amazing. Angel did this for me. I walked towards Sofia and pulled her in a hug. This is what I wanted and I knew without Angel, I wouldn't have gotten it.

"Let's get you to bed then I will drive you back in the morning", I said and she nodded. Following me quietly. When we reached the guest room she turned and said, "Please thank Angel for me... Goodnight Lee".

I found my amazing wife snoring while sleeping like a spider. I took a photo of her then placed her properly so that she wouldn't have neck pain in the morning then took a bath. I had a long day and I was grateful that it ended the way it did. Sofia is more than a sister to me and even though I have other siblings, her opinion and presence mattered. 

I got between the sheets and pulled Angel to my chest. She snuggled into me and smiled in her sleep making me smile back and rest my hand on her bump. In all honesty, I am the happiest man alive and I'm willing to bet that she was the source of it.

I woke up alone when I went to the kitchen, I found Angel eating ice cream sandwiches. I swear she amazes me every time with her cravings. "Good morning?", I said in a question because I couldn't tell if the facial expression she had was a happy one or not. She just looked weird. "Good morning, how did the 'makeup' session go?", she asked wiping the corners of her mouth, she was about to lick the ice cream off her fingers when I gripped her hand and licked it making her moan.

Music to my ears. "Please don't have sex in front of me", Sofia said from the entrance making me smirk. "We already did that a thousand times so; I think we shouldn't talk about it. It might make you puke", I said with a laugh. "Am officially scared of eating breakfast now", she said while pouring coffee. "Don't listen to him, I was actually useful and made breakfast for you guys", Angel said pointing to the oven. Sofia took out plates of sandwiches and poured coffee for me too. I kneeled in front of her belly and kissed it a couple of times making her laugh. She always said that it tickled.

"That's an amazing picture. Don't move", Sofia said grabbing my phone from the counter and taking a photo of us. 

It was a nice photo. 

Angel finished her ice cream sandwich, washed her hands, and headed out of the kitchen. "Where are you going?", I asked pulling her by the wrist. "Well, if you must know. I'm going to take a warm bath. My shoulders are killing me", she said stretching her back, she looked cute. "Want some company?", I whispered kissing her earlobe. "As tempting as that sounds, I will have to decline", she said gesturing to Sofia who was busy with her plate. I rolled my eyes and nodded.

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