Chapter 17

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Anna’s POV


He escaped the prison…

“How is that possible dad!!! I yelled.

“We currently have no idea how he escaped but we will find him so don’t worry dear,
I’m a cop, I’ll do everything to find him.

“Since when did he escaped?

“It’s been five days, i was inform earlier.

“Five days???!!!
Are you freaking serious???
We need to tell Deanna right away,
she could be in danger! I need to see her.

I tried to leave but my dad stopped me.

“Anna! You should stay here for now,
I’m gonna inform her tomorrow morning,
so stay here for now, it’s dangerous,
we don’t have any idea where the hell Leo is and I don’t want to put you in danger too.
Just call her okay?

I agreed so I called Deanna,
but she’s not picking up.

Holy fuck! Why the hell she’s not answering my calls.

So I decided to contact Courtney and thankfully she answered.

“Hey Courtney, where’s Deanna?

“She went home.

“Alone? You didn’t take her home?
Are you crazy? She’s fucking drunk!

“Chill man, I offered but she refused.
Heather took her home.

“Heather? You knew her?

“Yes, she’s nice so don’t freak out okay?

“Okay sorry it’s just… (sigh) never mind.
I’ll talk to you later be safe okay?

Then I hang up..

I went to my room and lay down to my bed thinking about what happened ‘til I fell asleep.


I went ahead to Deanna’s house,
hoping she was there.
I pressed the doorbell then someone opened the door.

It’s Tanya, Andrei’s baby sitter.

“Hello good morning Tanya, is Deanna there?

“Hello Ms Anna, ms. Deanna was here a while ago but they went outside to have lunch.

“They? You mean and Deanna and Andrei right?

“Yes but she’s with someone too.
I think it’s her friend but I don’t know her name.

So she’s still with Heather? Did they spend the night together?

“Okay thank you Tanya,
I’ll drop by later.  then I left.

Then afternoon came and I went back to Deanna’s place.
I pressed the doorbell and she opened the door.

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