Chapter 33

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Heather's POV

Hours, days, weeks had passed, and she was still not home,
she told me that the project has not yet been settled but once it’s finished, she'll come back home.

We talk everyday but I'm still not satisfied, I wanna see her,
I wanna talk about what I saw 2 weeks ago at the airport, I'm willing to listen to her,  she just needs to explain everything to me so that I will understand,
everyday I always think about that scenario, i still believe that she's not cheating on me,
why would she ? She loves me and she hates cheaters but then here i'm thinking that she's doing the same.

Almost every day for two weeks I am always drinking, sometimes in my home, sometimes at the bar just drowning myself from sorrow thinking about what if deanna leaves me because of anna?
What if she fell out of love with me? or is she tired of me that's why she's cheating?

they were together 24/7 for two weeks, they slept in the same bed, ate together, maybe they are also drinking together,
What if they already had sex.
Those thoughts are always consuming my mind and I just can't accept it.

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose while resting my back on my leather chair.

I'm currently here at my office doing tons of work, I close my eyes while I calm my mind thinking nothing,
then after a few minutes I heard my phone rang, I pick up my phone and check who's calling me and it's deanna then I answered.

" hello ..

" Hi honey, how are you? I miss you so much..

" I'm doing good (i wish) how about you ? I miss you too. I said

" I'm actually feeling great.! I also have good news babe! We got the deal!

" Oh really ? I'm happy for you babe so are you coming back ?? I ask excitedly.

" About that baby not today, but I'll be home tomorrow evening.

" Why not today ? It's our anniversary tomorrow don't tell me you forgot???

" Of Course I don't, we just need to fix all the documents needed today so we can go back tomorrow.

" Okay I understand. I said sadly

" Don't be sad baby we will celebrate our anniversary tomorrow we can have dinner together ok?

" Ok i'll just work till midnight today and rest at my office house and i'll take a day off tomorrow, i'll be waiting for you at our home ok?

" Sounds great, see you soon, I love you babe.

" see yah, i love you too i replied then hang up.

ok I'm excited for tomorrow! finally we will see each other again.


I heard a knock on my door..

" come in

" Hey what's up babe? Let's have dinner and hit the bar after I heard there's an event later at the omega.

" I'll pass, I have tons of work and I'll be working till midnight today and by the way I'll be having a day off tomorrow, Stacy.

" Boo .. What's up tomorrow?

" Well Deanna will be home tomorrow and it's our anniversary.

" Oh I see, hmmm. So are you ready to talk to her Tomorrow? you know about the airport thing.

" Maybe the day after tomorrow I just don't want to ruin our anniversary, I miss her badly. I just want to be with her all night, No Fights or whatsoever.

FRAGMENTS (lesbianstory)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora