Chapter 22

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Heather’s POV


Damn this traffic, it’s been hours,
I’m not there yet.
I need to say sorry to Deanna when I arrived.

After couple of minutes finally I arrived
but wait why is it crowded in here and there’s also police officers everywhere.

I get off the car and head towards the building but due to my curiosity I walk towards the police officer instead.


“Hello sir, what happened here?

The office looked at me and speak.

“There’s an incident here, attempted rape and murder.

“Oh, how’s the victim, hopefully the suspect will rot in jail. I said.

“They’ve been sent to the hospital now.

I nod and started to walk away,
I forgot to fetch Deanna, she’ll be pissed at me knowing that I arrived but didn’t go immediately to fetch her.

So I called her but kept ringing so I stopped walking. Wait, why isn’t she answering?
I tried to call her again but still it kept on ringing so I decided to walk again and head to her workplace.

I guess she’s really mad.
After a couple of steps I’m here now at the front of the building so I called her again waiting for her to pick up.

She still didn’t answer then I felt an uneasiness,
there’s something that’s not right here.
I started debating with myself if I will go to the reception and ask or should I just stay here and wait for her.

After 10 minutes of thinking I decided to go to the reception.
As I walk by, I heard two girls talking.
I didn’t mean to listen but something caught my attention and I stopped.

“Did you hear about the incident that happened? Hopefully the victims were okay,
they said the victims are works at the XX company, they found the ID on the bag on one of the victims.

I head towards the girl and ask them.

“Sorry to interrupt but do you know the names of the victims?

“sorry but we don’t, they didn’t disclose the names but we heard that they both work here.

“Okay thank you. I said.

I just stood there on my spot and think.
Calm down Heather it’s not her,
maybe her phone was on silent or she head home already,
stop thinking negative thoughts.

But I need to know first to I can stop worrying.
I walk back to where the police was,
I tried to call her again hoping that she’ll pick it up now to ease my worries.

I came face to face with the officer that I talk to a while ago.

“Hmmmm. Officer may I ask who are the victims please. I said while trying to call her again.

He’s about to answer but he was interrupted by another officer.

“Sir we found a cellphone near the crime scene,
I believe this phone belongs to one of the victims. He said.

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