Chapter 34

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Heather's pov

About Ms. Cruz I’m sorry,

we did everything that we could, but we cannot save her, the impact on her head was severe and she lost lots of blood, she’s not responsive anymore. I’m sorry for your lost.

After I heard what the doctor said my heart shattered into pieces,
my world is like fading slowly, no noises to be heard, no movements,
it’s like everyone disappeared, like my heart stopped beating as the same as Deanna’s.

I’m Sorry Heather, I know it hurts but you need to be strong.
It was Stacy, still I cannot believe what I heard, I slowly walk towards the doctor.

“Can I see her? Please?

The Doctor nodded and I entered the room where  the operation took place,
the light was already dimmed it was only me and her, I slowly walk to her and touch her hands,

“Hey love, please open your eyes,
I miss you so much, I don’t know what will happen to me if you leave me,
please you’re just sleeping right? 
The doctor just lying that your dead, I know it,
we have lots of plans ahead remember?  You told me that you want to get married on the beach and have our honeymoon in Paris co’z you really want to see the Eiffel tower.

We will build a big family, right?
A whole basketball team.
You told me that’s a lot of babies and turn me down but later on you agreed.
I closed my eyes while I chuckled remembering our conversation before while tears pouring down my cheeks.

Tell me now babe how am I able to do that if your still lying on the bed? Co-come on? S-speak up Deanna please.. I said between sobs.

Minutes had past still no response I opened my eyes and take a good look at her.

Her porcelain Skin once now full of bruises and scars from broken glass,
Her face that looks like a Greek goddess is now pale and bloody, her lips once a natural pinkish red, now turned out pale purple with no hints of blood.

“You’re still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my whole life, I’m so sorry if I failed you, I’m sorry if I hurt you, I didn’t mean anything to happen like this, if I was able to exchange my life for you and god knows I will, Anything just for you so please wakeup now Deanna please …


I gently caressed her hand again, I got up and kissed her lips for the last time.

“Goodbye for now my love, I will see you again soon I promise…

I slowly turned my back and started to walk to the door.

“I want you to know that every moment I spent with you is my favorite.


“Every single morning, I thank god for having you.

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