Chapter 40

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"Who's Mir?" Alizea asked as he glanced at my phone, setting my plate of eggs, bacon and toast down on the counter.

"My friend from Texas"

"Who the fuck is a friend from Texas?" he said. I felt his over-protectiveness be growing by the second. I swear its like QJ jumped into Alizea's body sometimes since he died. It was crazy.

"Jamir. He knows you and Auntie and he's just a friend. He said he played basketball with you for a short period of time" His face scrunched while he thought about it for a second.

"Oh okay. Yea.. He was a sophomore I think when I met him. Fye on the court and he stay to himself. Okay"

"Don't do that again" I said.

"Yeah.. Yeah.. I love you and I wanna make sure you safe. That other dude you used to sneak to see wasn't shit. I'm just tryna be sure that you ain't doing nothing you aint supposed to do"

"Okay.. We don't talk about that, but Jamir is nice. He calls me everyday to check on me. It's been like this since summer when I was in Texas. He just plays basketball and props his phone up because he said it feels like I'm there. He likes my vibe and we don't ever do nun sexual. No kiss or nothing. A strict friendship" I said clearing the air before beginning to quickly eat my food so that I can go to school on time.

"Aight Kae Mae. I love you aight" he said sitting down beside me with his own plate of food.

"I love you too" we sat in comfortable silence while we both ate.

"Hey.. how's Yasmine?" I asked standing up to put my plate in the dishwasher.

"She's good. She's always running literally. I miss her like crazy" he said making my heart melt. "That girl there is something else" he said shaking his head.

"Soooo.. Everybody in a relationship except me?"

"Kae.. You 16. You'll be aight. Keep up with your genuine friendship and one day when the time right, you'll get your man" I nodded walking over to give him a hug.

Cousins are the siblings that your parents didn't have themselves but you guys were raised one in the same. God-siblings are the legit siblings sent from God to be in your life no matter what.

"Imma head out now before Mrs. Jenkins give me afterschool detention for being late again" I said grabbing my bookbag off the back of my chair.

"Aight.. Imma see you later aight. I got workouts then I'll be home" he said. We said our goodbyes before I headed to school.


"Hey Malik. You coming over after school to watch your daughter still?" I asked Malik as I slid in his car before we walked into the building for school.

"About that.. Coach called a film session" My necked turned very quickly as soon as he said that.

"Bae.. Aint no way. I told Mimi you would go pick her up. She has a date tonight" I said. Yasmine's mom has served as my nanny during the day while I am at school since she works from home now. My parents pay her and I am so grateful.

"Well.. Can your mom watch her?" he asked making my blood begin to boil.

"No my mom can't. Armonie has gymnastics and she has to take everyone with her"

"Sooo.. Can't she just pick Lani up too?"

"Malik.. I'm not just pawning my daughter off when her dad is supposed to be getting her. You haven't watched her in two weeks, and it is always an excuse on why you can't. I go to cheer practice and still make time to see OUR daughter. You been acting real different"

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