Chapter 12

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"Soo Zea.. You down to come to the party" QJ asked.

"Nah cause daddy aint gone let me go sooooo... Yall aint going either." Kae said from the backseat.

"Yeah I'm going. Kendrick and the rest of the team going and Kae you not going. Its gone be too many guys around and you dont need to be there point blank." I said walking inside the house.

"I'll tell dad that yall going." Uncle Quincey dont exactly let us out on school nights, but this is a can't miss event. It is Throw That Azz Back Thursday at the club one of the football players, Derrick, dad owns. Once a month on a Thursday he throws this party for the high schoolers and apparently it gets lit.

"You gotta stay here with Isaiah cause Dad and Simone going out" QJ said. Isaiah is they other brother. Simone is his mama and my uncle girlfriend. They really been together for like 3 years and he haven't even proposed.

"Man Zea. Come on. Imma call Auntie on you if you go." she said pouting.

"Alright Kae. I'll stay home with you." I said frustrated. Kae always be manipulating us by doing this sad lil face. It used to work when we were kids all the time. Like my ma would always break down and get or do anything she wanted. She still do hell.


"Come on baby jelly bean" I mumbled. I was in the middle of Spanish and this boy cologne beside me was making me nauseous.

"Miss David. Está Bien?"

"Sí Señora" I said softly.

"Okay" She turned back to the board and continued to teach. I looked down at my phone and Yasmine texted me.

Are you good?

No. I'm finna throw up. This boy cologne smells terrible and jelly bean dont like that

I gotchu

I seen Yasmine write a note and start passing it around the room till it got to the boy. He read it then asked to move seats with Yasmine and I shook my head. This girl is the real MVP.


"Soooo... How's my son doing?" I asked Quincey. I was sitting in my office. We were actually closed for today because I give my staff off one day every month, but I didn't want to stay home with Ahmaud and Jaiden.

"He fine. He doing good just like yesterday when you called. How my other nieces and nephews?"

"Baby jelly bean growing just fine cause ya know Ajarie had an appointment yesterday and Armonie is flipping all over the damn house and Armon is quiet as ever and Ava talking a little more. Oh, and Jaiden just a baby" I said, kicking my feet up on the desk.

"Okay thats good, but I'm thinking bout proposing to Simone"

"Hmmm... Thats interesting"

"I just don't think QJ and Kae gone like that cause you know how they feel about they mama." Thats right. Quincey was literally 2 weeks away from the wedding when he called it off cause he didn't think he was "ready" for marriage. They dated on and off for like 10 years and was engaged for two years. QJ was like 14 and Kae was 12.

"Yeah. They probably not gone like that cause ain nobody tell you to go break they ma heart like you did. Alexis was a great girl. She just couldn't accept how close we were and how close our kids were, but she was great! I mean Simone is good and all, but she used to hate me the first year yall was dating. Just think about it" i sighed not understanding why all these women really dislike me. Not only have I known him for 10+ years, we have not done anything with each other passed hugging. Literally.

"Mann I hear you." He said sighing.

"Im deadass. Think about it cause ya know and tell Kae and Q like today please and tell me what they say"

"Imma tell them tomorrow cause Im taking Simone out tonight"

"Alright well I guess imma talk to you later cause Im super bored sitting here so i'll go home"

"Alright. Love you"

"Love you too" I said before hanging up the phone.

I set my phone down and closed my eyes. I need a serious vacation away from everything. I haven't spent alone time since college literally because before I left undergrad , me and Ahmaud got back together so after then I been with someone on every vacation and when I go somewhere now I have a kid with me.

I was interrupted from my thoughts by my phone ringing and I answered without looking down at it.


"Hey, I was tryna bring you some more cheesecake, but your office looks empty" Ahmaud said.

"Yeah cause they have the day off"

"Oh why you aint say nun this morning. You left like it was a regular day"

"I know"

"Well do you want it or not. I rather you come out here instead of me taking Jaiden out."

"Sure why not" I hung up and grabbed my purse, walking out the building.

"Can we talk?" he asked when I took the cheesecake

"There is nothing to talk about"

"Us. Why we dont hug and kiss or even touch?"

"Cause I dont wanna do all that" I honestly don't want to be intimate with him.

"Then why we together? All we do is half ass talk to each other. You just stay in the den till its time to go to bed. Hell! You came to the office when no one is even here. You must be talking back with Jalen"

"No. He has a girl. I just wanted to be away from you and Jaiden. I don't want to be around a baby all day on my day off soo. I'll see you whenever I come home." I walked to my car and got in

"What to do Amaya, what to do?" i said outloud to myself. I backed out of my parking space and drove off. I grabbed the balled up receipt from my glove compartment. Alonzo had wrote his number on my receipt. I shot him a text. I honestly feel like my marriage is over so why not have a little fun.


"What's wrong with ya mama lil man?" I said holding him in my lap. I was chillin at the house all day with him I guess. "I love her but she got to get her act together. Yes she do" I said talking in my baby voice and I gotta chill. I'm a grown man talking to a baby. "Lets just call your grandma" I grabbed my phone and facetimed my mom.

"What boy?" she said answering the phone.

"Dang ma. I thought you wanna see your grandson." I turned the camera towards him and he started smiling his toothless grin.

"Hey glam ma baby. You so cute" He was just smiling.

"Okay back to me." I said turning the camera back to my face.

"Boy dont nobody wanna see you. You need to bring my baby back here. I miss him."

"What about the other kids?"

"You know they hate coming to my house but they always go to they other grandparents house but that aint none of my business." That was super true. We used to send the Alizea and Ajarie to their grandparents every summer in June. They spent half with my mom and half with Amaya's parents, but they would cry when they went with my mom. She would try so hard to get them to like her but it never worked. They like going to they "Nana and Gramps" house.

"Well, anywho I think we finna get a real separation, so they'll have no choice but to come to your house."

"Hmmmmmm we'll see. You know they aint gone come" she said back.



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