Chapter 35

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"Mommy" Armon said sitting at the island. I was fixing the kids a snack in the kitchen. Half a ham and cheese sandwhich and grapes.


"Is Uncle Quincey your boyfriend" I shook my head slightly surprised at this question. I have yet to talk to the younger kids about what Quincey and I were.

"No he's mommy's bestfriend"

"Then why is him and Kae Kae staying with us?" Armonie asked sitting next to him. Quincey and Kae have been staying with us because me and Quincey are trying to figure out our relationship. I tried to get him to go home because I know Kae has people in Louisiana that she would rather be seeing, but he decided to stay.

"Because he wants to see you guys"

"He see us all the time"

"Who see y'all?" Quincey asked walking into the kitchen. He came over and wrapped his arm around my waist from behind and kissed my cheek.

"Nobody" Armonie mumbled causing me to raise my eyebrow. First, Kaelah had a little attitude. Now, the twins are being quiet. Ajarie has been at cheer camp for a week and Malik is gone to his football camp. I was keeping Malani today, but Lillian and Yas were getting her tomorrow. I sat their plates in front of them and walked out the kitchen to wake Ava and Jaiden up. Quincey followed close by.

"You gotta go home. Kae can stay here" I said turning around laying my hand on his chest to push him away.


"I want to spend time with the kids away from you. I got custody of them and I haven't been able to properly give them their full mommy time. You being here is great, but you can't stay forever"

"How are we suppose to grow our relationship if you are states away?"

"Quincey. Please. You have a life and a job in Louisiana. You been here for damn near a month. Go home. I will be there in August to see Zea off officially. One month without me. You will be okay" he sighed brushing past me to go upstairs. I sighed and did a quick jog up the stairs to Ava's room. She was sleep with all the covers off of her bed.

I walked in her room and closed the door behind me. It seems like my life has been on a whirlwind spiral. It's been on go since Quincey Junior died. I feel like I haven't been a good mother at all lately. I'm trying, but maybe I took on more than I can handle when I went to court. Maybe I should have settled and just ensured that Ahmaud could never do anything to hurt me or the kids. I don't know. I took a deep breath before I woke Ava up. She's about to be two this year and I can't believe my youngest daughter is growing up before my eyes and I haven't been there to help her.

"I tired" she mumbled jumping into my arms. I held her and walked in Alizea's room where Malani was laid in the middle. I had her baby monitor downstairs, but I just wanted to check on her. I watched her chest go up and fall down. She was asleep so peacefully. That meant Jaiden should be waking up soon.

I went ahead and walked in his room and he was awake staring at the wall. His big brown eyes started to water when he seen me. I picked him up and held him on my right side since Ava was on my left. I walked back downstairs to see Armon and Armonie in the den.

"Let's watch a movie" I said sitting in between them. I sat Ava beside Armon and I held Jaiden in my lap. I turned on The Incredibles.


"You aren't Logan" I said to this skinny black kid. Well.. he was skinny but he had a lil muscle on him. He was tall too. I'm just glad I'm not with Ricky right now because if he knew I was meeting a nigga, he would kill me.

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