Chapter 5

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Friday Afternoon

3:13 P.M.

"Mommy gotta go to the doctor's office like you do" I was telling my 3 little ones as we sat in the car in Publix parking lot to meet Ahmaud. Ajarie was in here too, but she still salty that i took her phone and made her quit sports.

"But mommy not sick" Armon said poking his fingers through the holes in my cardigan.

"Mommy isn't sick but I have a check up" I'm just going for my annual check up. It wasn't anything serious.

"Armonie stop!" Ajarie yelled. I guess Monie was messing with her and as soon as Ajarie yelled Armonie burst into tears.

"Really?! Really Monae?!?"

"Ma she was messing with my hair why would i sit and let her do that?" Ajarie said speaking for the first time in a couple of days.

"Armonie sit down" she slid back in her booster seat. Ava was sleep so i wasn't having problems with her.

I seen Ahmaud pull up beside me in his BMW and I opened my door. We are still not talking either. I only talk to 2 3 years olds and a 1 year old.

"Come on baby" I got out and went to the backseat getting Armon's booster seat and unbuckling Armonie's. I got her out and her booster seat and handed the seats to Ahmaud.

"Twins get y'all bags and Ava bag too" They did as told and then got in Ahmaud's car while i carried Ava's whole car seat with her in it to his car.

"Ajarie going wit me?" he asked, speaking to me for the first time. I shook my head.

"Okay bAhmaudes. Mommy gonna see you guys later okay?" I said to the twins.

"Mommy I love you" Armon said.

"I love you too baby boy" I kissed his forehead. "I love you Armonie"

"Love you too mama" She said back. I went over and kissed her forehead. I feel like this is the first day dropping my kids off at daycare because my eyes were watering.

I went to my car and got in, patting my eyes. I cranked up and went to my doctor's office.

We rode in silence the whole way there. Once we got there I went in and signed in, but since I was right on time I went straight back. I went alone while Ajarie stayed in the waiting room.

"How are you Mrs.David? You are glowing" the nurse said.

"Nah not really and i'm fine" i replied. She showed me to the exam room and had me pee in a cup.

Once I did that, I sat on my phone and waited for my doctor to come in. I had texts from Jalen asking when would I do Jac hair.

"Well Hello Amaya"

"Hey Dr. J" She was my OBGYN and she delivered all of my kids. Doctor Jamisha.

"You do know you're expecting right. If you didn't, now you do. Congrats girl" I don't think I heard right because I knowww for sure I'm not ..

"Jay stop playing. Do my check up" I looked at her and she had a very serious face. "Jamisha noo" my eyes watered again. Nah forget that. Tears were rolling down my face. "I can't be. I just know i'm not. I haven't had symptoms. I haven't had sex in a long time. This can't be happening" I cried.

"Lay back and let me see how far along you are. " I laid back and just let the tears roll out my eyes. She put the gel on my stomach and looked at the monitor. i just stared at the ceiling. There was nothing to say.

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