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Jamie CB
The words she uttered stuck with me. She lay holding up a smile, her eyes getting the light back. Tour in a month with my girl.

1 Month Later...
A month had passed with the constant hospital check up but Gracie has finally been given the green to go abroad. She's been  sticking to her medication and her meal plan and has got to a sustainable weight. The doctors have been very happy with her progress and so have i. She means the world to me. Her smile her faint breathing on my chest, the little things.

The last week i have been packing for her all her clothes, her new clothes and all her bags and makeup. Tomorrow is the day. I packed her medicine package and we had been given the number of a private doctor in the UK i case anything was needed and for a monthly checkup. Everything was starting to become clearer. Gracie has been in therapy and been getting better, she's trying and that's all that matters.

Gracie Jones
One month of psych ward and hospital free. The air felt cleaner here then inside there. People don't talk about the feeling of being in a psych ward and knowing your in a psych ward makes you feel crazier. I wish people told us that before forcing us there, helping us. Sedating is when we fight back and restraint is, like we're animals on show. One month free of torture. Ive been valuing getting better for myself by mainly for Jamie and Juliette. I want to get better for them, to make him feel proud of me after i still feel the guilt on my hands.

He understand me like no one else does, he gets me. London is tomorrow and i feel excited to finally be doing something exciting, i've been waiting for this from the second Jamie told me. Been getting better for him for this, for the next step in our lives.

I'm writing to you from my phone as i sit on the plane with Jamie on my side. My phone carries my life on a single app, all my emotions and al my experiences now being shared to you.

Gracie shut her phone as Jamie sat next to her holding her hand as the plane sets off, to the next path. To fly or to fall.


abrupt i know but i've been putting off an ending for this story as i've been dragging it out. Words can't express my gratitude for this book, meeting and talking to you guys, REACHING 50k+ READS WTF
this book made me fall back in love with writing and i hope to continue publishing books for you all thank you for reading Manipulation until next time ;)

MANIPULATION / Jamie Campbell BowerWhere stories live. Discover now