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a/n: funny enough, only 10 more chapters after this. Depending on how short these chapters go *cough* like this one *cough* I might extend it. 

Looooooonger chapter next week. Anyway. Here is chapter 18! Enjoy :)


"I think we should cut to the chase," Mrs Nilsson says, folding her hands on her desk as the three of them sit in front of her, with Zachary in between Christian and June. "The three of you will serve in detention for the remainder of this week, with letters sent home regarding the behaviour displayed today." She said that while eying June. "I'll also be discussing this with Principle Marshal and decide whether this will be marked on your files."

At that, June stiffens. She doesn't like the idea of her parents knowing what happened; both of them will question and lecture her until they were blue in the face. Strict parents such as June's will ground her and confiscate most of her privileges. But if she gets a strike in her records that might inhabit her from succeeding in a university spot, her parents won't take away her rights, they'll slaughter her socials goodbye.

June presses her lips together in an attempt to stop the bubbling of emotions building behind her eyes. Mrs Nilsson turns to her sons.

"This is not the values we cherish here at St Paul's Christian. We don't harm one another, we don't act violently, and we certainly don't antagonize others." She marks that at both June and Christian. "Clearly you both didn't hear your teachers warn you, and for that, you both get an extra week in detention."

Two weeks? That's more than she's ever gotten in a combination of her whole high school life!

"Um, Mrs Nilsson?" She swallows down her nerves as all eyes land on her. "Is there any way to minimize the consequences? Community service? A ban on school socials? I admit what I did was wrong—" she just can't control her emotions around Christian — "and not at all aligned with the values of this school, but I can't afford to have this marked on my files. My parents..." she steadies. "Please."

Mrs Nilsson frowns at June. She wonders if her plea is even worth it. Judging by the possible thinking behind her teacher's eyes, June believes there must be something that she said that would've sparked a different ultimatum.

She turns in the direction of the boys. Zachary's more relaxed than June thought possible. Then again, Zachary is known for getting into trouble. He gives June a barely-lit smile as if telling her things will be okay. She doesn't return one back, afraid any sudden change of expression may put her in harm's way.

Christian keeps his gaze on Mrs Nilsson. The anger in June has left her, but the remainders of their fight still lie underneath her skin, waiting. It's probably the same for him, too. No wonder he can't look at her.

"Let me ask you boys," Mrs Nilsson eventually says, turning her attention to her sons. "What do you make of the situation? Care to negotiate the consequences? Zach?"

"Look," he says, sitting up straight. "I was just making sure neither of them didn't get hurt."

That's not the best way to start as it delves into June's anxiety.

"So, I think handing me a week's worth of detention is cruel. I rather get off with a warning, but then again, I also think I shouldn't get punished at all."

"You shoved your brother to the lockers," Mrs Nilsson says, keeping her voice calm. "You've partaken in a violent act."

He sits forward. "I was making sure June wouldn't get hurt."

Christian scoffs. "I wouldn't have touched her."

"You make it look like you were. You slapped her food out of her hands—"

"I was getting mad but I wouldn't have touched her!"

Mrs Nilsson parted her mouth at the exchange and even glanced over at June with surprise. All June can do is share in a mutual expression.

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