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a/n: Does anyone want to take a stab at guessing the ending? I've already written it, but I'm curious. Comment down below!


Emily's mouth parts as she pauses between Christian and June. "So you two don't actually plan on killing each other?"

June's heart races as she glances at Christian. She was certain if he hadn't kissed her she would be able to defend them by simply stating that it's not her business to know. And that is if to say Emily saw him kissing her in the first place. She's probably just witnessing two students on the floor like children playing hide-and-seek. So bringing it up won't do them any good, even if Emily asked what it is they're doing.

But he kissed June and June has no idea what the hell they're doing, much less what she is or isn't supposed to know herself.

Christian's grin is forced, though anyone could see the strain. "It's a private matter."

Emily closes the door behind her and squats. Not a reaction June expects, and she eyes her classmate warily. Emily nods and lowers her voice. "I have to be honest; I'm not great at keeping secrets. Maybe we can come to an arrangement."

"Are you bribing us?" June hates to ask, but she's not in the mood for her little unknown secret to being shared around the school because Christian-I-have-anger-issues-Nilsson can't control his emotions very well.

"I wouldn't say bribe, more like being honest about my intentions because I live for drama."

"Well, there's nothing you can say to the whole school that won't start anything new," June says, keeping her voice monotoned as best as she can. "I already heard the rumours about Christian and me dating."

"There's a rumour?" Christian asks.

"Yes." June turns to Christian. "And about Zachary."

"What about Zachary?"

"That Zachary and I are dating."

Christian snorts. "You and Zach are dating?"

"No!" June narrows her eyes at him. "And don't laugh at me. I could date your brother if I wanted to."

"Except for the part where you won't."

"So you can date me instead?"

"Why would I date someone who goes around humiliating people?"

"That's rich," June says. "I could ask the same thing of you."

"Wow." They both turn to Emily. "You two have a lot of issues to work through."

June's about had enough of people bringing up issues. "What will it take for you to be quiet about this?"

Christian sighs. "Look, it'll just be another rumour at the end of the day. At least you're honest about it, Emily."

Emily raises her brow. "Oh. Maybe. I like the tea."

"Then how about trying to keep the tea to yourself."

Emily mulls it over, humming to herself in thought like an over-dramatized cartoon character. June thinks she's only doing that to take the piss. "I'll do it. On one condition."

"What?" June and Christan ask. She distinctively ignores the side glance he gives her.

Emily's expression erupts in glee. "I have a little sister who loves fairy tales. She's turning six this weekend and we need people to dress up as different characters and give candy to the kids. My parents aren't willing to spend a lot because of financial reasons." She checks between them. "So, what do you say? We can chuck you both fifty bucks each for two hours of work."

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