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a/n: sorry it's been taking me this long to update. With only 9 chapters to go, I figured we pick up the pace. Please enjoy! Drama ahead~


"Is this going to be a thing now?"

"What is?" June's stomach drops from Zachary's voice. She didn't notice him nearing, her mind running over the conversation she had with Christian and Emily. She picked up a book in the literature section, then plopped it back down. "Studying at the library?" she answers sarcastically.

"I mean running into you at every part of the school and ignoring me for the rest of the day," he says. He's whispering, but close enough to make it out like he's speaking normally. June had to check through the cracks of the bookcases for any teachers—especially the librarian.

She's moving and he's hot on her heel. Christian's face of absolute shock strains in her mind. When he said he humiliated Zachary...

She frowns. It's obviously not true. Why would Zachary insist on being in her life if she really did him badly enough to warrant any hatred from his brother?

"You've been acting weird since detention," he continues, pulling a random book out himself, seeming to look busy. "I thought maybe it was because you were traumatized by the whole fiasco. Christian's anger is a problem, and you shouldn't feel inferior about him because of—"

"That's not how I'm feeling," she interjects, looking at him for the first time. The hard shell on her face softens at the look of relief on his, like hearing her voice is all that he's wanted to hear. "I'm just...confused."

His eyes are dull. "Ambiguous at heart, June Ledge. Try again."

Should she just openly tell him? June's never been one to second-guess her thoughts, it's only been a new development since interacting with the Nilsson twins.

She doesn't understand Christian's reasoning for hating her—she's done nothing to hurt Zachary.

"Well?" he pushes.

She huffs. "Weren't you the one to teach me to 'think first, act second'?"

He surprises her with a smile. "Ah. So my methods are working. I'm kinda honoured to know you've taken my lesson seriously. It makes for the second lesson coming up more thrilling."

"Get a B on your math test and we'll talk—"

"June." He's soft when he speaks to her. She presses her mouth together as a rise of nerves builds up in her stomach. He plays with the book's pages before putting it back. "I've noticed it's not just detention that's made this distance happen. Ever since Christian pushed you, you're attitude around me has changed, and I hate it. It sucks to know the girl you care about is completely ignoring you because your brother can't control his anger."

She almost gasps from the nerves racing to her chest. He care for her? June opens her mouth, but for what feels like the first time, nothing comes out. He has rendered her speechless.
Zach steps closer, disappearing the space between them. "As much as I want to know what Christian told you, I realized that having you turn a blind eye to me isn't something that I want."

"You'd rather I roll my eyes at you instead?"

"Yes, actually. Because that's you. You and your straightforward self. That's what I want most. You, around me, and being up-front and playful with your humour and sarcasm intact. And when I flirt with you, June, and you turn me down with logic and hyperboles, I watch your face. Do you know what your face tells me?"

"I didn't know my face could say anything," June mutters in reply.

"It tells me it's not unrequited. It tells me that I've caught a bit of your interest." Zach reaches forward and tenderly brushes the back of his knuckles against hers. "I'm not wrong is saying that, am I?"

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