Chapter 2

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Chapter Two Zhao Yiqing

    Lin Zhu walked for a long time before reaching the mountainside.

    She looked up at the sky, the vicious sun was hanging high in the sky, it was already noon.

    She estimated the time. From entering the mountain to now, she had walked for about three hours.

    After all, the body of an immortal cultivator is different from that of ordinary people. Although he has walked the mountain road for so long, compared with his previous life, his body does not feel too tired.

    After turning the last bend of the mountain road, Lin Zhuo finally saw a small piece of open flat land.

    Behind the flat land is a row of ten caves.

    This is where all the prisoners live.

    There was no one in the clearing, and most of them must have been in caves or mines.

    Lin Zhuo paused for a moment, and tied the jade tablet he had been holding around his neck.

    The jade badge was hidden in the collar, only the red string was visible outside.

    The "door" of each cave is a piece of white paper as thin as a cicada's wing, which can be found to be slightly shining with silver light when you look closely.

    The living conditions inside were written in regular small letters on the white paper, and there were also dark complex gold patterns on the paper.

    There are twelve rooms in a cave, and three prisoners live in each room. The cave is named after the Heavenly Stems, and the rooms in the cave are named after the Earthly Branches. Each "door" records about 30 prisoner numbers. , no name.

    Lin Zhuo took a glance, and saw his number on the "door" of the fourth cave, the room was Ding Chou.

    There was only one prisoner living with her, number 987.

    Without hesitation, she opened the "door" and walked in.

    The jade plaque hanging on her chest was slightly warmed, and at the same time, her eyes caught a glimpse of the golden pattern on the paper, which was fleeting.

    After entering, you can see a straight and narrow passage. With it as the center, twelve rooms are symmetrically distributed, and the correspondence is very neat.

    Lin Zhuo couldn't help but curled the corners of his mouth.

    She looked left and right, and the exposed rock in the cave showed a rough gray color, as if it had been painted with some kind of paint, giving off a slight cold light.

    The light source in the cave comes from this, not bright, but not dark.

    There is no door in each room, and the situation inside the house can be seen at a glance. There are no decorations, only three stone beds.

    There are scattered people in the twelve rooms, with fish-shaped cards tied around their necks or wrists, some of which are made of stone, and some of which are made of some kind of animal's fangs.

    Lin Zhuo glanced roughly, but did not see a jade plaque.

    Lin Zhuo knew it clearly: the material of the fish-shaped card represented the class in the prison.

    The senior brother didn't tell her the value of the jade token before, so he probably didn't know it.

    As soon as the two robbers saw her just now, they confirmed that she was from the Dazongmen. It seemed that this was a default rule, and the prisoners sent by the Dazongmen would all carry jade badges.

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