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Dino was sitting on the floor of that creepy cabin silently crying.

Waiting for his hyungs to come and save him.

His back was aching.

He just want to run away from there.

He was not able to understand what happened to his Jeonghan hyung.

He was never like this.He always cared for his members.But this Jeonghan was different.

For the first time in his life Dino was scared of his Jeonghan hyung.

The room had become dark as it was almost night time.still no clue of his his hyungs.

He decided to do something himself.

He can't wait anymore.

He tried looking for something, anything sharp which could cut the ropes.

But he failed.

He tried wiggling out of the rope but still nothing happened.

Suddenly he heard a rustle from outside.

He got scared and tried shifting back but he can't as there was pillar behind him.

Suddenly he heard something like footsteps which scared him more.

He was more scared than before as he can't see anything as it was dark.

He again tried getting free but nothing seems to work.

He can't runaway.

He has no choice.

Tears started to flow from him eyes.He tightly closed his eyes.

Waiting for whatever was coming for him.

"D-Dino."he heard a very familiar voice.

"W-Woozi hyung" he quickly opened his eyes to see Woozi standing in front of him.

Woozi ran to Dino and hugged him crying his heart out.

"H-hyung I missed you."Dino whispered.

Woozi pulled away from hug and started untying him.

"Who tied you here?And where is Jeonghan hyung?"Woozi asked.

"Jeonghan hyung but now I don't know where he is."Woozi quickly helped Dino in getting up.

"Ok let's go before anyone comes here."Woozi held Dino's hand and quickly started making his way towards the exit.

But before they could exit they heard a creepy laugh.

"GOING SOMEWHERE HUH?"  A demonic voice said from behind.

They slowly looked behind to see a shadow of someone but they can't clearly see because of darkness.

Suddenly the whole cabin was lighten up by the candles which were not there before.

Both Dino and Woozi squinted there eyes because of sudden brightness.

It took sometime for their eyes to adjust to the lightening.

They slowely opened their eyes.Just to get the biggest shock of their life.

There in front of them were their member, all unconscious.They all were hanging in mid air.

And in front of them was Jeonghan looking creepy.

Dino can't understand how this happened and how all members were here because he didn't hear anything before when he was tied.
But he was scared to death.

Both of them hugged eachother.

"LETS HAVE SOME FUN." Jeonghan said charging towards them.

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