28. Boyfriend

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Millie felt as if she was walking inside a haze. She hadn't fully appreciated just how much more pleasant and safe her room would feel without the constant toxic cloud of Karen's presence.

She hadn't asked Davyn how he'd done it. Where he'd gotten the cocaine or how he'd managed to remove Karen in just a little over two hours since he'd found out what she'd done to her. She hadn't even questioned him to confirm that it was really his doing because a part of her didn't want to know.

At first, she'd been confused, maybe even a bit scared because this went beyond a simple prank. Then, she just felt safe. Powerful. Because the way he'd looked at her outside after the police had taken Karen had sent her heart into a convulsive dance. The passion and determination, as if he'd burn the world down for her.

In that very moment when his darkness was maybe the most obvious, she'd seen his light as well. That had been the end of her fight with herself and her doubts.

The moment she'd returned to her room and dropped on her bed for the night's sleep, she'd had to come to terms with the obvious truth.

She was in love with him.

Rude, abrasive, a little unhinged, dangerous. Protective, funny, smart, and gorgeous. Intense and made just for her. There for her. Always there for her from the moment he'd promised he'd be in her corner. And he was making it happen. It was no longer just teenage passion. It was much more and she wanted all of him, not just his body.

The problem was, it was over before it even began. Time ticked to the end of the semester and she would have to go home for the summer. Davyn was graduating. Would she even see him again once the school year was over? What reason would he have to stick around?

The thoughts circled her mind even as she tried to focus on the last classes, drilling a permanent hole in her stomach that she couldn't escape. It even took the joy out of her impressive exam results. All she could think about now was the moment when she'd have to leave, head back to her home town and lose her first love. The words felt so wrong. He couldn't be just that.

The uncertainty made her hands tremble and it took her several attempts to open her locker and deposit her books for the end of the day. She lingered, her gaze fixed on her art books. Maybe she should try distracting herself again. And yet, the idea that grabbing those books might somehow summon Freider stopped her. Though he might be a welcomed distraction at this point. She didn't mind talking to him, though she couldn't understand why he would want that in the first place.

Her distraction came in an entirely different form. Davyn propped his hand against the neighboring locker and leaned towards her, a grin on his face.

She couldn't help her own smile, even if her stomach was churning worse than ever with nerves.

"How's the Karen-free life going?"

Fluttering took over and she scanned the hallways for witnesses. Since it was the end of classes, the hall was mostly empty. Only a few students lingered, throwing them curious glances, but ultimately minding their own business. Davyn didn't seem to care either way so she turned her attention to him.

"Unexpectedly great."

He hummed in thought. "I wouldn't say unexpectedly. Her awfulness was apparent."

What about yours? You shipped her off to jail for drugs that weren't hers. Or maybe they were. She hadn't asked that either.

"You seem in a good mood."

"That's because I'm smarter than I give myself credit for. It's always a pleasant surprise to rediscover intelligence."

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