Final Author's Note

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Well, that was a huge adventure filled with angst and leading to the birth of a villain. I know it took me loads of time to finish it, but to be fair, the book is almost 250k words so give me a break, lol.

As you can see, Davyn is gone and Snitch Gravel took his place. And Snitch Gravel has work to do in the form of screwing over the Counters as well as Freider Grant. If you've read the series, you know too well how that ends.

If you haven't read the series, you can since Davyn's twisted adventure continues there. But keep in mind that he's the villain and that Maxi and Freider are mere supporting characters. You get to witness the glory that is the next generation of Grants however.

And believe me, if you loved Davyn (when he was not that insane), you'll love his serum addled kid more. And the kids he could have raised. And Freider's poor defenseless children. And the fall of those nasty Counters.

Anyway, I know the epilogue offers A LOT of information, but not everything you might have wanted to know, so I'm ready to provide more. Here we go!

 ♣ Even if their first years of marriage are tense, Maxi and Freider fall into routine and provide a happy home for little Sam and Jerry. Maxi finds it much easier to be a mother to older, more independent children, so they don't mess them up too badly.

♣ As stated in the epilogue, Kyle is never brought home and Freider does everything in his power to make sure he doesn't see his brothers. Part of it is because he hates how much the kid looks like Davyn. The other part is living with doubt because...

♣ Freider isn't sure if Kyle is his or not. The math he knows how to do and the way Kyle was born indicates that it's his kid (since Kyle was supposedly born 2 months premature), but he still has doubts.

♣ Maxi continues to love Davyn all throughout her life.

♣ Davyn never searched for another romantic connection. As far as he is concerned, love is dead, Davyn is dead, and Snitch Gravel doesn't need romance.

♣ Davyn has no idea that Kyle is his son. He also did the math taking into account Kyle's supposed premature birth, so even if he obsessed about it for a while, he came to terms that he was screwed over.

♣ Davyn never knew Kyle's middle name. He was under the impression it was Jacob, after Freider. Even if he stalked him a lot, he didn't care about that part.

♣ Kyle grew up in Texas with Max and Sophie until he turned seven. Then Sophie left for France and Kyle and Max were alone.

♣ Somewhere along the way, Davyn and Ron reconcile. Ron doesn't give up the life of crime, but becomes a lot better at staying under. He sometimes works for Snitch Gravel, but is never fully accepted into the organization. He understands because he finally grows the hell up.

♣ Given how Grace was in and out of hospitals, Ron never got to see her, so he grew up thinking she was dead, like he'd originally understood. He finds out she's not much later, in rather dramatic fashion.

♣  Grace does recover some in later years and can handle herself. She leads her life mostly alone. 

Will Davyn and Millie talk again? Will he get his revenge on Freider? Will the Counters fall?

Those are questions that will be answered in The Jewel Project series.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer them.

I hope you enjoyed this story. I know it's something different since the supposed good guy becomes the bad guy, but I hope it was fun.

For me, it was a journey that helped me solidify a lot of information that will be useful as I redraft the series. All of this will make the series so much more fun.

However, I can't believe that I finished the final book I was ever planning on writing about these characters. I'd be severely depressed if I didn't plan on submerging myself in this world again as I make the other books so much better!

Thank you so much for your support! And if you weren't there yet, I hope to see you on the series!

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