46. New Life

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Davyn's head throbbed like a bitch and the cold winter light only made him want to drift back to sleep. But his mind swirled in a dangerous dance that didn't allow it.

Roses and lousy music, Millie's eyes and her kisses, her body under his on the mattress in the gym. He was sure part of it was just a fantasy, and he had no idea which.

With a graon, he forced consciousness on himself and sat up, rubbing his eyes. The cover slid of his bear skin. He removed his hands and glanced down at himself. Yep, he was definitely naked. Next to him, Millie slept, equally naked.

More images flashed before his eyes. Bringing her back in, throwing her clothes off... Even if he couldn't really tell what was real and what was not, he could actually remember everything. The relief, the happiness, the joy of being with her again. Was it over? Had they worked it out when he'd decided to throw away all he had built for her protection? For Ron's?

A giant boulder of unease crashed into his stomach at the thought that he'd caved. He'd thrown it all away, or at least was planning to, and all for what? He glanced at the sleeping form next to him and his chest warmed up.

For a chance at happiness. His father had always said love was the most powerful thing in the world. And now that he had it, he'd have to be a fool to throw it all away.

Millie mumbled in her sleep and turned over. She blinked the sleep from her eyes, and her smile lit the world.

"Hey," she whispered. "What are you looking at?"

Yes, it was her voice, and she sounded like her old self. Not apprehensive, not afraid. Trusting and loving.

"I'm still trying to figure out if I'm dreaming."

His words brought a worried frown to her face and she sat up. "How are you feeling? You did seem pretty out of it last night?"

He didn't want to confirm her worries by mentioning that last night was one big blur. "Was I that bad last night?"

A blush crept up her cheeks and he loved it. "Honestly, I've missed you so much, you could have been abysmal and I wouldn't have cared. Not that you were."

He agreed that he wasn't. The little flashes of memories were more than satisfactory. He'd felt closer to her than he ever had before, like they'd broken some form of hidden barrier he had never thought to cross. It felt as if she'd given him everything. Maybe it was the time apart that had done that to them.

Millie sighed happily and nestled against him. He wrapped both arms around her and rested his head on top of her. Yes, this was definitely worth everything.

"I still can't believe it," she said.

Neither could he, but he didn't want to mention it because it was for different reasons. Even if it was worth it, he didn't think he'd end up having to choose. He'd always been convinced that he'd manage to convince her, make her miss him so much that she'd accept anything just to be with him again. As it turned out, the siege was over before it began. He'd been the one to crack and all because she was the only support system he had. The only escape from the toxicity of his life.

His grip tightened as his fight with Freider and Ron waltzed its way back to the forefront of his mind. His failure to protect Ron, Ron's own lack of will to escape the drugs. Fuck, he'd almost let out that he was Snitch Gravel in front of Freider. His pulse skyrocketed, and together with it, the throbbing in his temples returned. He'd taken so many pills to deal with the migraine the previous night. No wonder he was still so out of it.


Shit, what had he done last night?

Millie pulled away from him and it was enough to bring his attention fully to her. The frown on her face spoke of doubt as well as anger.

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