Chapter three

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The weeked of the week that Luke saw Rolus, he made sure to call up Perez and meet up. They spent the weekend together, lazing about in their hotel room and having 'fun'. Just as the weekend quickly came, it also came to an end. Luke was already in his car, ready to leave to go back to his Pack. The duties awaited him. It was when he rolled down the front windows and drove out of the parking perimeter that he caught a glimpse of someone he wished he hadn't, staring at him.

He was so pale, and looked sick that it made Luke sick to the stomach. The walking stick that he balanced himself on caused his heart to shatter, remembering how Rolus straight out rejected him again, and probably would do it all over again just to get rid of him.

His heart skipped a beat at the sight of Rolus; the skipping part elated and heightened. He quickly revved the car and raced away, never looking back. He knew that the sight of Rolus would haunt him in his sleep and rattle around in his mind like the linger of cigarette smoke in the nostrils.

There's no way Rolus could be that sickly pale and Luke so refreshed and healthy. Rolus was a walking corpse, with both feet in the grave just waiting for the soil to be shoveled over him. Even though it impaled Luke's heart to see Rolus that unwell, he still wished ill of him. He hated him for keeping the secret for all those years. For making him believe that he was going to die mateless and alone, searching for the one he believed was dead or non-existent.

He was still mad at Rolus for lying to him. For deceiving him with his secrets and letting him believe that he was mateless.

For Rolus, the sight of Luke revolted him to the pit of his stomach. He watched as Alpha Luke sped away from him with an aggression that left ski marks on the black concrete.

He coughed, covering his mouth with his hand that was in a black glove. If anyone believed that it was unsanitary for him to use his glove, then it was. He took it off to hide it away in his pocket.

Like a sinner looking for salvation, so did Rolus continue with his journey as he resumed walking towards the hotel entrance. The double doors opened upon sensing him.

Since he was using a walking stick to balance himself, he lost grip of it when a figure tapped it with a light kick. It fell, causing Rolus to lose his balance.

"My bad," a voice said beside him as a hand with quick reflexes a hundred times more than Rolus' in his weak state, grabbed the stick before it could fall to the floor, then handed it to Rolus.

The voice was calm, had a tint of mockery and disgust in it. There was no mistake. Rolus knew the damn voice too well to not know who it was.

Rolus shot his head up to meet with a man with brown eyes, a smile so wide with the most shiny teeth that even pearls couldn't compete. The man with the brown complexion was not the same man he met. This man looked...happy.

Rolus weakly smiled, slowly nodding his head. The man could see that Rolus was taking a strain.

"Alpha Rolus. It's good to see that you're still in good shape," the man snickered in a classy manner by covering his mouth like a true lady would when laughing.

Rolus felt the mock in his tone. His comments were too snarky to ignore.

Rolus nodded again. "Alpha Perez. It's good to know you're still around. Pleasure meeting you again,"

"Likewise, Rolus!" Alpha Perez rubbed his palms together before walking backwards out of the hotel with his eyes fixed upon the ghostly man that was deemed an Alpha by blood. "See you around, Rolus!"

That was when Alpha Perez jogged, rushing to his car.

Rolus stood on the other side of the glass door, staring as Alpha Perez ran away. The linger of wonder clashing with curiosity. He saw Luke leave the same hotel that Alpha Perez just left. He wondered what it was that the two were plotting, if he'd ever see Luke again or if Perez had poisoned his mind and made him his puppet.

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