Chapter thirty-three

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The first activity Rolus and Luke decided on was to go swimming and interact with the people around. They did go on a nightly stroll around the resort. Rolus realized that as much as Luke entertained their relationship, at times, he wanted space. It hurt, but Rolus figured that baby steps, that's what they needed.

Rolus and Luke were sitting down on the bench with their feet dangling in the cool water. The people surrounding the area were what made the swimming pool more exciting. It was huge, with a lifeguard on duty to assist the helpless.

There were mostly couples at the resort, and from what both of them picked up, there weren't any wolves in close proximity.

They were sitting in silence, with Luke constantly kicking the water. It was quite boring, but the change in scenery was what clouded the boredom.

"This is refreshing," Rolus said in passing, almost as if he was speaking his thoughts out loud, looking up at the clear blue sky.

He compared the sun out here to the sun back at the Pack. With the sun as bright as the one here, it was evident that no matter the circumstances, the mood would always be cheery no matter how dull the day becomes.

"Look out!" a voice yelled from the pool.

Rolus' reflexes were too fast as he swiftly caught the red beach ball that nearly hit Luke's head. He growled, jumping into the water without any sense of direction. It was as if he blacked out that when his senses came back, he found himself strangling the poor man that was struggling to breathe, the clucking sounds coming from his mouth mixed with the yells and screams of people around them deafening the low growls that pestered.

Realising what he was doing, he let go of the poor man and saw Luke from the corner of his eye attending to the man with other people.

He tried to control himself as he felt his wolf stir at the sight of Luke and that man close. He hated their close proximity.

Luke helped the man stand up, ensuring that he was fine. "I'm sorry! Rolus lost control. He-" he stopped himself from speaking after it clicked that he was talking to humans. He cleared his throat, "He's bipolar. Please don't open a case against him."

Rolus huffed after hearing what Luke was saying to the man. What case? That man threw a ball at them, and it nearly hit his mate! Do they even know that Rolus would kill anyone that tried to harm his mate?

"I'm fine, I'm fine," the man threw his hands up in frustration. His aggression showed how pissed he was at the two. He ran his hand around his neck, tilting it to the side as if to relax his muscles.

Rolus rolled his eyes at the sight of a tall, blonde woman wearing a towel over her bikini running to the crowd. She was carrying a baby.

"What happened?" She handed the baby to the woman beside Luke. Her hands checked the man's neck for injuries.

Luke sheepishly scratched the back of his head, but Rolus knew exactly how his mate was feeling through the mate bond. He was fuming, irritated, pissed and reeling from anger. Rolus could name all the angry feelings that Luke felt if he could.

It was after Luke explained to the woman what had happened that she relaxed, extending her hand to him. "I'm Natalie Rossi. This is my husband, Leo Rossi."

Luke shook her hand, also introducing himself to Natalie. "I'm Luke Clonmel and that is my mat-" he stopped himself again before he could finish talking, then continued, "that's my husband, Rolus. He's bipolar, and the fact that Leo threw the ball at us didn't sit well with him. Please forgive us."

Please forgive us. That made Rolus roll his eyes for the umpteenth time. He was still pissed at Leo for throwing the ball at them, and the frustration also went to his family. Rolus didn't understand why Natalie had to bring their baby to Lakeview resort. Didn't she know that the resort was a getaway for couples, and not children?

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