Chapter thirty-eight

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The drive back to their Packs was filled with laughter and drunken conversations. Rolus laughed at stories Luke told of when he was young.

The road was deserted, and outside it was a nail moon. Not much light, but Rolus was content with just the moon, no matter how small it was.

Rolus drove off the tar road, and entered a gravel road. They had about forty minutes 'til they reached their Packs. It was trees all around, and Rolus could hear night animals going about. The breeze was just right, the air splashing his face, and hair flying a bit.

He looked back at Luke, who had somehow fallen asleep in the backseat. He smiled, then focused back on the road. He let the happiness consume him because he knew that when he got to his Pack, it was going to be hell. And he was sure that Robert was out for blood. The call they had with Council Magdeline was reassuring. She was going to eradicate the punishment. That was a relief.

Now, all he was left with was to convince Luke to merge the Packs. He knew it was going to be a long process, and they would be met with uproar from the Elders and both their Councils.

Luke wanted to retain both their titles, and visit each other. He didn't want the Packs merged. Luke just didn't understand how it was already hard for Rolus to think of going their separate ways when they reached their Packs.

He smiled when the only sounds that filled the car was Luke's soft breaths. That filled Rolus with a sense of calmness.

When he turned a curve, Rolus felt the car puncture. He frowned, looking out into the wilderness. He checked the time, and saw that they only had about twenty minutes before they reached their Packs. He kept the headlights on when he exited the car to check the damage.

The front tire was flat. He crouched down and saw spikes on the dirt road. He was flabbergasted.

He abruptly stood up when he heard car tires. He bumped his head on the car, cursing. The bright lights blinded him. He placed a hand over his eyes, shielding them.

Rolus was taken by surprise when he felt hands grab his shoulders, and he thought he felt something prick his neck. He couldn't tell because the next moment he was drowsy, then he slumped against the person holding him.


The next time he awoke, he was in a dark room that stank. He could feel the chains on his hands and feet, that somehow he could feel were laced with something because he didn't have the strength to tear the chains apart.

He was lying down on a wet floor. He couldn't see clearly in the dark because whatever was laced on the chains was suppressing his powers.

He moved around, head pounding. He tried to get a feel of his surroundings with his back.

The memories slowly came back. He groaned, his head feeling like it was splitting into two.

He was with his mate. Luke. Where was Luke?

He panicked, searching desperately with his body for a second body. He couldn't detect him with the bond.

He didn't notice it at first, but he felt the drip of something wet. He looked up, willing his eyes to adjust.

When they adjusted, he gasped, and then coughed. "Luke!" he cried out. He thrashed, trying to break free.

Not his mate.

He froze when he heard the metal door creak open. The light from the hallway spilled into the room, making Rolus look at the condition of his mate. Luke was hanging. His hands were bound above his head, and legs were tied together. His head was bloody, like he was hit with something strong. He was unconscious, blood stained his shirt.

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