Chapter nineteen

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The next day, Sierra never left her room. Rolus let it be. He did ask Theo how she was, to which he replied that she was brooding.

Since they had nothing to do until the Annual Pack Meeting, Rolus joined Charlotte in training. "What was the fight about with Lovergirl last night?" she asked when they all took a break.

"The money you spent, and some personal things," Rolus replied, taking the bottle of water Charlotte offered.

Charlotte raised a brow at that. "Care to share? The personal stuff," she elaborated.

Rolus shook his head. "It's still too early. I'll tell you someday though."

Charlotte let it go. Maybe she sensed that whatever it was, it was dead serious.

The day progressed with them training. Rolus didn't remember the last time he trained, or had a run in wolf form. He planned on having a run that night, but first, he had to get his daily dose of medicine.

Rolus thought it ridiculous that he needed to go to Luke's Pack everyday, but quickly reprimanded himself for thinking that. He was grateful that he could manage to spend long hours away from Luke without any major consequences.

He was getting ready to leave, but before he could exit the Pack House, Theo came rushing after him.

"Alpha, wait. Sierra sent me to tell you to wait for her. She'll be out in five minutes," Theo relayed the message.

"Oh, really?" Rolus was surprised. He thought Sierra was going to hole herself up in her room until she finished sulking.

"Yes. She'll be out in a bit." Theo left after that.

Rolus exited the Pack House, and dreadfully waited for Sierra. He hoped she was not going to give him an earful.

When Sierra did come out, she had a baseball cap on, with sunglasses covering her eyes. Sticking plasters covered both her cheeks.

She quietly slid into the passenger seat, then crossed her arms over her chest. Rolus started the car. He wasn't going to be the one starting up a conversation when Sierra was still brooding.

He drove out of his Pack, occasionally glancing at Sierra.

The tenth time he glanced at her, she sent him a glare. Rolus went back to focus on the road.

When the silence became too much, he thought it best to break the silence and know what Sierra's intentions were. "So, going to see Luke?"

She didn't reply.

Rolus didn't try again.

When they arrived, Luke's Pack welcomed him, but didn't give away that they knew he was Luke's mate. Usually when he came, someone would get carried away every now and then and thank him for telling Luke that they were mates.

He was impressed with the Pack and their loyalty to their Alpha's instructions. Sierra's energy was unsettling to the point that some people glared at her. Rolus didn't really blame them because her aura tainted the calm atmosphere.

No one approached them as they entered the Pack House. Rolus followed Luke's scent. He presumed that Sierra wanted to confirm that Luke was truly Rolus' mate. How she planned on doing that, Rolus didn't know.

Rolus followed Luke's scent to the kitchen. He found Peter and Luke eating lunch, with their laptops open.

"Well well well. Who do we have here?" Luke said, not once looking at them.

"Not now, Luke. Please," Rolus said. He didn't want anyone fighting. He knew Sierra liked provoking Luke, but he hoped Sierra wouldn't be stupid enough to do that in Luke's Pack.

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