Chapter forty

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The following morning, Rolus requested Sierra to arrange a Pack meeting. He could already feel that his Pack was restless. Before the Pack meeting, he had requested a meeting with his Council and Elders.

When he looked at himself on the mirror, he was sickly. His eyes were bloodshot red, and puffy. Everyone would know that he was crying the whole night.

How would he try to convince his Pack and Council to accept Luke as his mate when he felt a deep sadness that everyone could also feel?

He sighed, walking out of his bedroom and going downstairs. He mind-linked with Sierra to ask if everyone was in the Meeting Room. When Sierra affirmed, Rolus felt nervous. He was exhausted, and he was not eager for eyes to linger on him when he entered the room.

When going to the designated room, he passed some members that were either excited, or confused and skeptical.

He didn't have the strength to assure them that all was well. He didn't hesitate to enter the Meeting Room, all eyes turning on him. The Elders' eyes were judging, looking at him in agitation and distrust. His Council had a hold on their emotions.

He sat on the head of the table. Sierra was on his right. She was impassive, same with the rest of his Council.

"Good morning. A lovely morning it is," he said, trying to smile. Sierra flinched. He sighed, rubbing his temple. "First of all, I would like to apologise for abandoning my Pack for a week with radio silence. Secondly, I would also like to apologise for running out on my ceremony."

It was quiet. No one said a thing, so Rolus continued. "I also have an announcement to make. I have found my mate, my true mate. We have already fully bonded. His name is Alpha Lucas Clonmel of the Black Moon Pack. I hope you will open your hearts and accept the news without criticism."

It was quiet for a second, then the uproar began. Questions from the Elders were hurled at him, everyone speaking over the other. His Council thankfully didn't say anything. He knew they would question him without the eyes and ears of the Elders.

His headache was becoming worse by the second. He didn't have the heart to shut them up because they had every right to ask questions.

"What is the meaning of all this?"

"Lucas doesn't have a mate!"

"What do you mean fully bonded?"

"How long have you known?"

"How sure are you that he's your mate?"

That's the questions hurled at him by the Elders. Thankfully, Sierra called them to order. When everyone quieted, Rolus addressed their questions. Ones he could remember anyway.

"I am sure that Lucas is my mate. I have been sure because my mate bond with him is real, very real. Lucas does have a mate. It's just that he couldn't detect his mate. I took the initiative to inform him of our mate bond. Anything else?"

Elder Russell raised his hand. Rolus gave him the go ahead to talk.

"Alpha, I understand the desperation to cling to anyone that might give you attention because you don't have a mate. What if you-"

"Elder Russell, do you know how long the preparations take of getting the replacement mates ready for marking?" When Elder Russell nodded, Rolus continued. "So, don't ask stupid questions."

Elder Russell was not pleased. However, he didn't do anything that would make Rolus bomb. Next it was Elder Maggie who asked, "How long have you known, my Alpha? It surely could not have been on the day of your ceremony."

Rolus nodded. He didn't plan on telling the Elders the truth, but what he could tell them was closer to the truth. "A year ago. These last few months, we had made progress. It was only on the day of my ceremony that we decided to mark."

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