Chapter seventeen

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The next weeks saw Rolus coming to Black Moon Pack every single day. The Pack was already accustomed to Rolus pitching up. Sometimes he showed up on the most random hours of the day. Random hours being midnight or four in the morning.

The first time Rolus made it a ritual to show up every single day, the Pack swarmed him. The older ladies defended their noisy selves by saying they were getting used to their second Alpha. Luke laughed when he heard them. It was hilarious because Luke could see Rolus get offended, but tried to present an unbothered façade.

A few days later, the Pack no longer swarmed Rolus when he came to visit. It was Liliana and her crew that made it a habit to disappear with Rolus the first hour he came. Knowing Liliana and her crew, Luke presumed it wasn't anything good. Liliana was a menace.

Luke tried to corner one of her crew, but she didn't spill any secrets. She was being cryptic.

Sometimes when Rolus came, Luke would be so deep in sleep that when he awoke, Peter would tell him that his mate was around. The questionable times when Rolus came, either Peter, Tamera or Macey entertained him until he left.

And even though Tamera was a hard nut to crack in the beginning, eventually, she did get used to Rolus. Their approval was highly appreciated.

Luke was so busy that when Rolus came, he didn't have the time to squeeze him in in his schedule. Luke wondered how Rolus had the time to come to his Pack, when the Annual Pack Meeting was near. That's why Luke was busy and by the time he looked outside, it was already night. Peter and Macey also had their fair share of reports to compile in preparation for the Meeting.

Luke did get lessons from Peter about the bond. He thought it ridiculous that Rolus would need his scent when he was far away. Peter scolded him when he expressed his opinion.

And Luke did understand why Rolus didn't want to be touched by him. Peter told him that newly found mates felt sparks when they touched. The feeling disappeared the more you got used to each other's touches. But if you didn't get accustomed to the touches, the sparks became more like getting tased. Peter said the touch could become lethal, like being electrocuted.

Luke once tried to offer Rolus his hand to touch so that they could get accustomed to each other, but Rolus shot him down. Luke didn't offer again. Rolus mumbled something about not needing any help.

Peter did also mention that it was unhealthy for mates to be far away from each other for a long time. It could have serious consequences in the long run. And it hurt the heart to be away from each other, hence Rolus has been frequenting his Pack.

Peter praised Rolus for his immense self control and perseverance.

Luke joked that maybe it wasn't self control and perseverance,  but rather Rolus' bond was injured by his attempted rejection. Peter didn't laugh.

Rolus did give Luke feedback about the Council's visit. He said they were just there to remind him of the contract repercussions for breaching it. They also asked him if he found his mate, and they said they would be happy to assist him get a replacement mate to avoid getting tempted should he find his mate to be an Alpha. Rolus told them that he would consider it. He seemed serious. Luke was offended that Rolus had the nerve to tell him that.

Luke did ask Rolus why he came at questionable times. Rolus said he didn't really have a choice because the longing to be near Luke was growing increasingly unbearable these days that he had to come. Luke offered him a spare room in the Pack House. Rolus was quick to refuse. Again, Luke tried to help, but it seemed like Rolus was not ready to accept the help.


Rolus received a letter from Robert early in the morning. He needed Luke's approval on the contents of it. As much as he didn't want Luke involved any more than he was in the matter, Luke did make him promise that he'd keep him in the loop. So, he planned on doing that. He knew it was the bond making him compliant.

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