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Four months

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Four months. It has been four months of staying in quarantine. Four months since the last time they saw Namra. Four months after Cheongsan, Gyeongsu, and their other friend’s death.

And four months since Hyunjae confessed and acquired no response since then.

Honestly, it was painful but he made an effort to be understanding. He wasn’t entirely sure if he got rejected but as shortly as they arrived at the rescue centre, he just came to terms that maybe he was indeed rejected. Since he doesn’t have the heart and courage to appeal to her or Suhyeok. He just accepted it.

But of course, just because he acknowledged it, doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel pain anymore.

When they arrived at the facility, the authorities questioned why one of them was missing a hand. And they told the truth, in return, Wujin was examined and Hyunjae was asked how he knew cutting up Wujin’s hand would make him live.

Hyunjae had a straightforward answer, “I’m an avid fan of The Walking Dead,” He said it with full conviction and everyone in the room just looked at each other, staring at him as if he was a lunatic before moving on to ask another question.

Thankfully, Wujin’s examinations turned out to be normal, they didn’t find any bizarre findings and that made Hyunjae at ease. Because while they were being interrogated, he was frightened for his friend—he was overthinking if he made the right choice to cut off Wujin’s hand.

Eight weeks later after they were retrieved, Hyunjae’s parents arrived at the quarantine centre. Although the pair were happy to see their only son alive and well, confrontations were made—he was far from being delighted. And of course, there was shouting involved.

You were stupid to think that I’d leave my friends for you.”

Did it ever occur in your mind, just once, that those people that you wanted me to depart from were also the same people that got me here in front of you? Alive, breathing, and kicking? You wouldn’t be talking to me right now if it weren’t for them.”

In return for Hyunjae’s snarky and ‘ungrateful’ remarks, he received a threat of being cut off from his father’s wealth and influence and a hard slap in his face from his mother.

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