Part 3

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~~~Violet Pov~~~

As soon as I got downstairs. I saw Ben. I made my way to him.

"HEY, boys look whose back." Ben yelled towards the guys. They cheered for me; Ben poured me a shot. I quizzed it down.

"Ben I'm going home?" I told him. He tilted his head "Why?"

I put the glass down "Because this." I pointed around this room,then continued "party is lame" I rubbed his forearm. I acted as if I was walking away.

"You are leaving! Without me?" Sydney said behind me.

"Yeah you we Branson ....Consider this your guy's little date." I suggested, and turned around. "I'm just going to call a uber."

She ran up to me and held one of my shoulders, "I'm coming with you." She started to follow me. "Woah Sydney. You are leaving too." Ben furrowed his brows together. She just gave Ben a side hug "Sorry, I'm just not in a partying mood."

I just pressed my lips together, and walked towards the door. "What about your boyfriend?" I inquired while walking out the room.

"He will be fine." Sydney followed behind me. "I'll just call him, to say change of plans. Plus I spend all night with him Yesterday." We walked toward her car.

"You sober enough to drive?" Sydney ask while typing on her phone. "Cause I can't do it I had a few drinks."

"Yeah, I think so." I shrugged. She nodded her head. I started her car.I pulled out the drive way. "I hope this isn't a new thing." I teased.

Sydney kept biting her lip, and was rapidly typing on her phone. I kept glancing over at her. She had a frown on her face. Since she didn't say a word. I looked ahead at the sea, of darkness that was trying to engulf us. That surrounded the road.

"What were you and my boyfriend talking about?" When she asked me that. I press a little, hard on the accelerator.

"Nothing Sydney." I shrugged.

Sydney scoffed " Nothing! So, you guys were off to the corner. For fun." I sat silently. "You guys were fuming. When I approached you." Sydney said

"Fine I will tell you the truth." I gripped tighter on the steering wheel "We hate each other. We are just too different." I bite the bottom of my lip, and tucked, my hair behind my ear

I didn't look at Sydney. She took in a breath " It's fine if you guys, don't get along with each other.....Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh RAT RAT RAT."

Sydney jumped. Up from her passgers seat. She flashed her phone light, in my face. Which blinded me. Momentarily. I swerved the car.But I turned back on the road.

"Oh Sydney seat still!" I yelled at her.She was still jumping and dodging, from the rat in the car.

"Ewwwww!"She kept yelling.She fell on me.I turned the well in right.The car follwed.

"AHH!" We heard a female voice.


Sydney and I fell silent for a moment.

We felt the car vibrate. "I think you ran over her?" Sydney yelled.

"Should I reverse the car?" I questioned her.

"No idiot." Sydney jumped out of the car.

"We need to call the cops, Violet." Her breathing started to quicken. "No, I'm not going to jail. I will not lose my potential scholarships." I answered with a sharpness

She gave a blank look, " really that's what you most concern about your scholarship, when someone is bleeding out right in front of us."

I opened the driver's door, to follow her out "Yes, that's my concern. I'm the first one going to college in my family, my brother is already in jail. I'm not joining him. If you want to call the police officer's, you are turning yourself in. Cause I am not going."

"I can't believe you Violet." Sydney's breathing, continued to quicken.

"You think. You are judging me are going to solve anything. This also affects you." Sydney scrunched, her face. "How Violet?"

"Your father is a mayor, and has squeaky clean reputation. Do you really want, to be the one to soil it." I saw realization run across her face when I just watched it. I pass her my phone

"Take it call the cops, you are right I'm being selfish." I dared her.

Sydney looked between the phone and body. And shook her head, and passed, me back the phone

She looked down and shook her head. "What should we do ?" Sydney asked me begrudgingly.

I pursed my lip. " I don't know, but we need to think quick?" I spoke bewildered

" Violet should we get in the car, and drive away." Sydney suggested

My eyes widened and blinked rapidly "Geez, We are not going to let her die. I'm not that cold." I stood there and thought. "Let's call the ambulance and then drive off."

I started to dial, on my phone. "Stop." Sydney gripped my phone. " What if they're able, to trace your phone? Let's use hers" Sydney nodded her head towards body.

"I left gloves in your glove box." I got into the car. And pulled out the gloves and passed her to Sydney. She took a breath and took the gloves. I watched her walk towards the body. I just stood there watching her. She searched the pockets.

She took a gasp. "What is it, Sydney?" I walked towards her. "It's Branson's little sister. My boyfriend's little sister." My heart fell to my stomach. Sydney froze just staring at her.

" Come Sydney she's bleeding out make the call." She rapidly blinks her eyes. She reached in her pocket and pulled out the phone.

"Hello, a girl was run over on woods street. She's in black jeans and a black coat." Sydney was talking in a high pitch voice. Then she hangs up

I suggested to her "Maybe we check her phone, to see what she was doing out here?"

"We don't have time. Let's go." As I opened the door the rat. Jumped out I, mentally cursed it out. As we drove off, I saw the body. In the rear-view mirror.

I know Sydney, was looking at that too.

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