❣Part 16❣

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---Violet Pov-----

I   was knocking on the door like how a Tyson throws punches. I was ready to fight i was ready for war. I wanted her head on a platter.

"What do you want little girl?" it was an old woman. she was rubbing her face. She had a blue robe on. with blue slippers.

I plastered  fake concern on my face. "Good night. I need to talk to Mia."

She yawned without covering her mouth "Can't this wait till  a reasonable hour? Who are you?"

I let my hair down from it's ponytail, and tucked   my hair behind my ear "my name is violet. It is extremely important. let me speak to her I promise you she is going to want to hear this."

The  old lady hesitated, but did as I said.  I turned around to look in the darkness of the town dimly lit by the stars. It was a beautifully horrible site. It represents my life.  I feel like I am surrounded by darkness but the only thing keeping me lit is my faith and my friend's blind optimism. Which represents  my stars.


I turned around to come face to face with Mia.

Mia stood there with her arms crossed "What do you  want? Do you know I'm blackmailing you? This is a horrible way to win my favor" I heard the smugness in her voice. Like how lions play with their prey.

Oh I couldn't wait to slap, it out of her voice. But I'm going, to play with this.

I still had my fake defeated  tone of voice "How I just came down here to ask you. Have you decided on your curency"  I put emphases on the last words. Because it was her words. I was throwing  her words back in her face. I wonder if she would caught on?

the was a smug smile on her face.  She stood there in some sleeping shorts and oversized shirt

"I really haven't been able to sleep, this is pure torture. Just tell me what   you want, so we can get this over with." 

"oh, you begging for mercy huh?" She stepped closer to me she was just few inches from my face " good, you can beg as hard as you want. But I won't give it to you" I took a step back because I could feel a lava breath, on my face she really was seething " you have burned everybody you. Don't like in this town long enough. Now it's your turn to suffer squirm and wonder what's next."

She went back to the top of her stairs " get off my property, and come back when I send it for you." She pointed into the distance. Trying to send me  off like a dog.

Just as she was about to slam the door shut in my face, I pressed play. My volume was on high

You look so beautiful today - Mr. fine cooed

Glad to see you appreciate how I look. I did all of this for you- Mia stated

Mwah Mwah Mwah Mwah

I paused the audio. Without breaking eye contact. She slowly turned around to meet my eyes

Her eyes were as wide as flying saucers. "That doesn't prove a thing. That could be anyone." She stated in a shaky tone of voice.

A smirk grew on my face, and I pressed  play.

Oh Mia. you know exactly  what to do- Mr Fine moaned

Really you like that ..Fine- Mia teased 

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