Chapter 1

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It was nonsensical, the desire Anna had to go to the lake this morning. Completely and utterly nonsensical. Anyone would think so. Anna knew that, but nothing could stop her. These urges always led to something– something good or important, and she would follow it blindly, like she always did. 

Adjusting her backpack, she stepped into the bus with apprehension. With a shaky breath, she prepared herself for the crowd of people she would encounter. 

The barrage of emotions hit her immediately.

Worry slithered in her belly, an ache of exhaustion slammed into her legs, and impatience barreled in her chest–only a slight trace of giddiness passed into her heart as she walked down the aisle between the filled seats. With focus, she let her nails rake the underside of her wrist. That small discomfort blocked out the emotions of the passengers and all she was left with was that tug inside her soul. The lake.

"Going for a swim?" a man asked from behind her. She looked down at her attire. Her black tankini swimsuit with shorts over top was a weird contrast to the business suits all around her. Her cheeks heated slightly as she turned to face the stranger.

With a forced smile, she replied, "Oh, yeah. I couldn't help but think today is the perfect day for it." She shrugged her shoulders and winced inwardly. The man chuckled with amusement in response to her awkwardness.

"Hmm, I guess you might as well get it out of your system now before the weather gets cold," the man remarked as he rubbed his graying beard. There was a warmness to him, but she shuddered as his brown eyes skimmed over her briefly and she felt an unwanted tingle below her belly.  Trying to stifle the distasteful feeling, she bit her lip, and pressed her nails more deeply into her forearm.

With a deep breath, she reminded herself that people couldn't control their emotions, only their actions. She nodded her head, smiled politely as she turned away, and tried to replace the feeling of disgust that coiled within her. It was the sudden, strong emotions that always caught her off guard. 

There were no empty seats so she held onto the bar above her. When she looked up she could see the crescent moons that had formed on her skin.

 She closed her eyes and all she saw was–


A buzz electrified her skin. There was an invisible string inside her that was being pulled with incredible force. 

Her heart began to race and her palms began to sweat. Anxiety started to seep its way through her carefully crafted barrier. Wanting to find the source, she turned her head to survey the crowd.

Sitting diagonally from her, a young woman in a soft gray suit clutched her portfolio tightly to her chest and was tapping her foot like she was at a folk concert. It didn't take a psychic to know what she was feeling, but Anna could feel her ball of nerves all the same.

Inside her heart, Anna desired to fix it. Leaning over, she tapped the nervous woman on the shoulder. The woman snapped her head up and Anna smiled at her. 

Deciding the woman could use a confidence boost, she said, "Hey! I just wanted to let you know that you look absolutely killer in those pumps! And your hair! So beautiful. I can never get mine to curl like that." It was a genuine compliment. The woman did have nice hair and shoes.

The young woman beamed at her, and Anna was glad to have calmed her down a little. With a kind smile, the woman thanked her and then proceeded to give her the brand name of her curling wand and her hair care routine. While the lovely-haired woman spoke, Anna's mind couldn't help but wander.  

She could almost feel herself dipping into the cool refreshing water. Her mouth went dry and sweat began to form on her brow. Her lips formed words absently in conversation, but she didn't really know what she was saying. 

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